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Introduction to the HSPA

The Health System Performance Assessment (HSPA) is a reliable framework that provides an overall view on the performance of Ireland’s Health system.

This framework looks at outcomes, resources and workforce in the health sector of the country, but also focuses on:

  • the equity and level of access to health services;

  • the affordability and quality of the care provide;

  • the efficiency and safety of the health services;

  • the information systems in place for better coordination; and

  • the level of continuity of health services.

A platform has been developed with available data sources to provide a visualisation of the framework. The below HSPA platform is an important tool in assessing how the National health system is progressing, both over time and internationally. It allows users to interact with the framework and get key trends on particular areas of interest.

The Department of Health (DoH) developed the HSPA framework with the assistance of the European Commission and in collaboration with key stakeholders, including the Health Service Executive (HSE). This platform is the first prototype version, with updates in both content and functionalities to be included within future platform versions. More information on the development phase of the HSPA framework can be found here.

Using the Platform

Along with providing data on the HSPA framework’s indicators, the platform contains a number of functionalities to enable and enhance data understanding, comparison and assist in further research. In this section, a brief overview of the various levels of information and functionalities one can find on this platform is provided.

Table of Contents - An interactive table of contents is available on the left hand side or at the top (depending on the type of device used) to help move from one dimension or domain to another, without needing to scroll through the entire page.

Indicator Code - For ease of reference and future use, each indicator has been assigned a unique reference code, depending on its placement in the framework. This reference code will remain permanently assigned to that specific indicator, irrespective of future changes made to the framework. This will enable future indicator referencing, without having to search for the entire indicator title. For example, the indicator A.2.1 refers to the first indicator of the second sub-domain of domain A. The Interactive Indicator List and the Scheduled Updates sections below make use of these codes.

Interactive Indicator List - Ideal for first-time users, the interactive list enables the exploration of what indicators are contained in the platform, with different levels and types of filter and navigation options included in the table.

Scheduled Updates - This section provides information on when the platform was last updated, as well as the schedule of the next updates by indicator code.

Dimension and Domain Sections - A brief introduction to each dimension and domain is provided when relevant to the framework’s structure, providing a brief overview of the content within each section.

Indicator Title - Each indicator is given an official title as designed by the experts engaged during the development stage (refer to Introduction to the HSPA section above for more information).

Key Terms - Accompanied with the search_icon icon, each indicator contains some key terms to enable a more efficient search for indicators of interest through the page’s search function (alternatively press ctrl+f to enable the page’s search function).

Indicator Data - Each indicator, when available, contains a brief description of the data provided on the platform, along with the data visualization (such as; graph, chart or table). The data visualization is also interactive, such that hovering over the chart will provide users with the values of that particular point. In addition, the legends of the charts (where applicable) can be tailored by clicking on the legend label to filter out data points. Indicators for which data is not currently available is noted accordingly in red text.

Notes Box - For certain indicators, a notes box can also be found before the indicator’s visualization, in which important information on the data being displayed is provided.

Indicator Data Source - Under each indicator’s visualization, the source of the data used in that particular indicator is provided.

Data Source Link - Accompanied with the info_icon icon, this functionality provides the official link to the data source and contact details in case of the need for further information.

Data Download - Accompanied with the download_icon icon, this functionality provides the link that will enable data filtering and data download into a csv format file for further use.

Metadata Information - Accompanied with the metadata_icon icon, this functionality provides information on how the data used in the particular indicator came about, any definitions used, comparability issues, data coverage, etc.

Policy Box - At the end of each indicator a policy box is found, in which all relevant policies to the indicator that were active at the time or are currently active are listed, along with their links. In addition, certain legislative (or other implemented) measures can also be found mapped on the indicator’s visualization to provide context to the data being shown.

Interactive Indicator List

The following interactive list allows you to view and search for indicators of interest within Ireland’s HSPA platform. Different navigation options and levels of searches are available by inputting any key words. You can use the indicator’s unique reference code under the Indicator Code column to find its location in the platform content below or by using the Table of Contents.

Scheduled Updates

The platform was last updated on 03/07/2024.

Indicator updates will be made depending on the indicator’s frequency and latest data availability. Data presented within this platform is of the ownership of the respective indicated data source, where the same source is solely and entirely responsible for its availability, frequency, quality and overall data governance.

The following is the planned schedule of updates occurring during this year, along with the effected indicators (using the indicator code).

March: A.2.3., A.3.3., A.3.6., A.4.1., A.4.2., A.5.5., A.5.6., B.1.1., B.1.2., B.1.7., B.1.8., B.2.9., C.1.12., C.1.13., D.1.8., E.1.22., E.1.23., E.1.27., E.1.33., E.1.34., E.1.35., E.1.37., E.1.38., E.1.39., E.1.42., E.1.43., E.2.2., E.2.6., E.2.7., E.2.8., E.2.9., E.2.19., G.2.3., G.2.9., H.1.1., H.1.2., H.1.3., H.2.2., H.2.3., H.2.4., I.2.1., I.2.2., J.1.1., L.1.9., M.1.1., M.1.3., N.1.1., N.1.2., N.1.3., N.2.2., O.1.4., O.1.6., O.2.1., P.1.2., Y.1.1., Y.1.2., Y.1.3., Z.1.1., Z.1.2.. (59 indicators)

July: A.3.4., A.4.9., A.4.10., A.5.2., A.5.8., B.1.3., B.1.5., B.1.6., B.2.2., B.2.5., B.2.6., D.1.1., D.1.2., D.1.3., D.1.4., D.1.5., D.1.7., D.1.8., D.2.3., E.1.3., E.1.7., E.1.8., E.1.10., E.1.12., E.1.14., E.1.16., E.1.18., E.1.20., E.1.24., E.1.27., E.1.29., E.1.34., E.2.2., E.2.6., E.2.13., E.2.14., E.2.15., F.2.1., G.2.3., G.2.9., H.2.3., H.2.4., J.1.1., K.1.1., K.1.2., K.1.3., K.1.4., K.1.5., K.1.6., K.1.9., L.1.3., L.1.4., L.1.6., L.1.8., L.1.10., M.1.1., M.1.3., M.1.9., M.1.14., N.1.1., N.1.2., N.1.3., N.1.4., N.2.2., N.3.1., N.3.2., N.4.1., P.1.2.. (68 indicators)

October: A.3.5., A.4.3., A.4.4., A.4.5., A.4.6., A.4.7., A.4.8., A.5.9., B.1.4., B.2.1., B.2.3., B.2.4., B.2.7., B.2.8., C.1.1., C.1.2., C.1.3., C.1.4., C.1.10., C.1.11., E.1.9., E.1.11., E.1.13., E.1.15., E.1.17., E.1.19., E.1.21., E.1.25., E.1.26., E.1.27., E.1.34., E.2.6., G.2.3., G.2.9., H.2.2., H.2.3., H.2.4., I.1.2., I.1.3., I.1.4., J.1.1., K.1.7., K.1.8., K.1.10., K.1.11., K.1.12., K.1.13., K.1.14., M.1.1., M.1.2., M.1.3., M.1.4., M.1.5., M.1.6., M.1.7., M.1.8., M.1.10., M.1.11., M.1.12., M.1.13., M.1.18., M.1.19., M.1.21., M.1.22., M.1.23., N.1.1., N.1.2., N.1.3., N.2.2., P.1.2.. (70 indicators)

December: A.1.1., A.1.2., A.1.3., A.2.1., A.2.2., A.2.4., A.3.1., A.3.2., A.3.5., A.3.7., A.3.8., A.5.1., A.5.3., A.5.4., A.5.7., B.1.1., B.1.2., B.2.5., B.2.6., C.1.5., C.1.6., C.1.7., C.1.8., D.4.1., D.4.2., D.4.3., E.1.1., E.1.2., E.1.4., E.1.5., E.1.6., E.1.27., E.1.28., E.1.36., E.1.41., E.2.4., E.2.5., E.2.6., F.2.3., G.2.3., G.2.9., H.2.1., H.2.3., H.2.4., I.1.1., I.1.5., I.1.6., I.1.7., I.1.8., I.3.1., J.1.1., M.1.3., M.1.9., M.1.15., M.1.16., M.1.17., N.1.1., N.1.2., N.1.3., N.2.2., O.1.1., O.1.2., O.1.3., O.1.5., O.1.7., O.1.8., O.1.9., P.1.1., P.1.2., P.1.3.. (70 indicators)

Updates will be published on the last working day of the indicated month.

The following sections will provide the indicators’ details per dimension and domain.

Outcomes Dimension

The Outcomes dimension focuses on health issues that impact the quality of daily life for Ireland’s population. This dimension incorporates only one domain, identified as Health Status.

A. Health Status

The Health Status domain incorporates indicators that evaluate the daily lifestyle of Ireland’s population with regards to their health status and any conditions. This domain is further disaggregated into the following subsections:

  • Self-reported health status;

  • Disability;

  • Morbidity/Diseases;

  • Mortality; and

  • Risk factors.

A.1. Self-reported health status

A.1.1. Persons with good or very-good self-perceived health status

search_icon Key terms: health, self-perceived

Indicator A.1.1. illustrates the distribution of self-perceived health status among persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland by sex, for reference year 2019.

The data source of this indicator is the Irish Health Survey (IHS) conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the IHS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the IHS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health status

A.1.2. Persons aged 65 and over with good or very-good self-perceived health status

search_icon Key terms: health, self-perceived, older people

Indicator A.1.2. illustrates the distribution of the self-perceived health status of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland by age-group for reference year 2019.

The data source of this indicator is the Irish Health Survey (IHS) conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the IHS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the IHS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health status among the elderly

A.1.3. Persons with a long-standing illness or health problem

search_icon Key terms: long-standing illness, health problems, disability, self-perceived

Indicator A.1.3. illustrates the distribution of the persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland that have any long-standing illness or health problem, by disability status (i.e. whether they have a disability or not), for reference year 2015.

The data source of this indicator is the Irish Health Survey (IHS) conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the IHS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the IHS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health status among those having long-standing illness and/or disability

A.2. Disability

A.2.1. Persons with self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problem

search_icon Key terms: long-standing limitations, health problems, usual activity, self-perceived

Indicator A.2.1. illustrates the distribution of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland that face difficulty in performing usual daily activities due to their self-perceived long-standing limitations by region, for reference year 2019.

The data source of this indicator is the Irish Health Survey (IHS) conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the IHS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the IHS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve long-standing limitations in daily life tasks

Current HSE Services to improve long-standing limitations in daily life tasks

A.2.2. Persons aged 75 and over with self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problem

search_icon Key terms: long-standing limitations, health problems, usual activity, self-perceived, older people

Indicator A.2.2. illustrates the distribution of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland that face difficulty in performing usual daily activities due to their self-perceived long-standing limitations by age-group, for reference year 2019.

The data source of this indicator is the Irish Health Survey (IHS) conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the IHS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the IHS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve long-standing limitations in daily life tasks

Current HSE Services to improve long-standing limitations in daily life tasks

A.2.3. Persons aged 50 and over that consider themselves frail

search_icon Key terms: frailty, older people, self-perceived

Indicator A.2.3. illustrates the distribution of persons aged 50 and over residing in Ireland who are considered to be frail (using Fried’s frailty phenotype) by age-group, for reference periods Wave 1 (2009-11) up to Wave 5 (2018).

The data source of this indicator is the Irish Longitudinal Survey on Ageing (TILDA) conducted by Trinity College in Dublin. The data is collected via a longitudinal survey among persons aged 50 and over who live in the community (i.e. not in residential care) in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the TILDA survey can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the TILDA survey methodology.

Policies adopted to assist and improve quality of life for older persons

Current HSE Services to assist and improve quality of life for older persons

A.2.4. Persons with disability in the working age population

search_icon Key terms: disability, self-perceived, working-age

Indicator A.2.4. illustrates the distribution of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland that have a disability by age-group, for reference year 2015.

The data source of this indicator is the Irish Health Survey (IHS) conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the IHS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the IHS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve quality of life for persons with disability

A.3. Morbidity/Diseases

A.3.1. Persons with long-standing illness or health problem

search_icon Key terms: long-standing illness, health problems, self-perceived

Indicator A.3.1. illustrates the distribution of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland, that have a long-standing illness or health problem by age-group for reference year 2019.

The data source of this indicator is the Irish Health Survey (IHS) conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the IHS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the IHS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve quality of life for persons with long-standing illness or health condition

A.3.2. Disability adjusted life years (DALYs)

search_icon Key terms: DALYs, disability, international comparison

Indicator A.3.2. illustrates the disability adjusted life years (DALYs) rate (including upper and lower limit estimates) by sex and global comparison for reference years 2015-2019.

Definition of DALYs

One DALY represents the loss of the equivalent of one year of full health. DALYs for a disease or health condition are the sum of the Years of Life Lost (YLLs) due to premature mortality and the Years Lived with a Disability (YLDs) due to prevalent cases of the disease or health condition in a population. More information on the methodology and calculation of DALYs can be found here.

Disability adjusted life years rate by sex and country: reference years 2018 - 2019
Country Sex Year Rate Rate - Upper limit Rate - Lower limit
Global Male 2019 34732.76 38184.95 31431.50
Global Female 2019 30858.39 34777.92 27295.91
Global Both 2019 32801.70 36319.46 29535.03
Ireland Male 2019 24288.83 27664.82 21288.35
Ireland Female 2019 24034.48 28274.48 20345.61
Ireland Both 2019 24160.30 27972.55 20855.55
Ireland Male 2018 24024.42 27322.90 21092.71
Ireland Female 2018 23858.64 28169.77 20117.34
Ireland Both 2018 23940.66 27703.26 20620.15
Global Male 2018 34997.20 38469.55 31875.60
Global Female 2018 31046.07 34883.98 27539.05
Global Both 2018 33028.25 36580.81 29831.81

The data source of this indicator is the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). Various data is collected from numerous countries and is available for download via a online data depository.

info_icon More information on the IHME can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the IHME data practices and methodology.

Policies adopted to improve life of persons with a disability

A.3.3. Prevalence of cognitive impairment

search_icon Key terms: cognitive impairment, tested impairment, prevalence

Indicator A.3.3. illustrates the percentage of persons aged 50 and over residing in Ireland who are determined to have cognitive impairment (using the Mini-Mental State Examination), for reference periods Wave 1 (2009-11) up to Wave 5 (2018).

Note on testing for cognitive impairment

Prevalence of cognitive impairment refers to persons scoring 24 or less on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), thus indicating possible cognitive impairment.

The data source of this indicator is the Irish Longitudinal Survey on Ageing (TILDA) conducted by Trinity College in Dublin. The data is collected via a longitudinal survey among persons aged 50 and over who live in the community (i.e. not in residential care) in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the TILDA survey can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the TILDA survey methodology.

Policies adopted to assist and improve quality of life for older persons

Current HSE Services to assist and improve quality of life for older persons

A.3.4. Prevalence of dementia

search_icon Key terms: dementia, prevalence, international comparison

Indicator A.3.4. illustrates the percentage of persons having dementia per 1,000 population in Ireland, for reference year 2021. A comparison with the average 38 OECD countries (country code: OECD38) and the United Kingdom is also included for the same reference year.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

A.3.5. Prevalence of low birth-weight infants

search_icon Key terms: births, birth-weight

Indicator A.3.5. illustrates the number of total births per weight at birth (in grams) category, for reference years 2020 and 2021. Babies whose birth-weight is under 2.5kg are considered to be in the low birth weight category (groups L1-L6). Normal/Average birth-weight categories lie between 2.5kg and 4.5kg (groups N1-N4). Any baby with a birth-weight of over 4.5kg is classified in the O1 group.

The data source of this indicator is the National Perinatal Reporting System (NPRS) administered by the Health Pricing Office (HPO). This system is the principal source of national data on perinatal events.

info_icon More information on the NPRS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the NPRS methodology.

A.3.6. Prevalence of mental illness

search_icon Key terms: mental health, prevalence, mental illness, admissions, psychiatric

Indicator A.3.6. illustrates the prevalence of mental illness leading to admissions in psychiatric units/hospitals or continuing care units in Ireland, for reference years 2002-2022.

Note on data inclusion

The data presented here relates to admissions to public and private psychiatric units and hospitals, including acute psychiatric units within general hospitals, psychiatric hospitals/continuing care units, independent/private and private charitable centers.

The data source of this indicator is the National Psychiatric Inpatient Reporting System (NPIRS) which is compiled by the Health Research Board (HRB). The data is collated from administrative admissions records.

info_icon More information on the NPIRS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the NPIRS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve mental health

A.3.7. Prevalence of diabetes

search_icon Key terms: diabetes, prevalence, self-reported

Indicator A.3.7. illustrates the distribution of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland that have diabetes by sex, for reference year 2019.

Percentage of population aged 15+ with a prevalence for diabetes by sex: reference year 2019
Year Prevalence of medical condition Sex Percentage
2019 Diabetes Both sexes 3
2019 Diabetes Male 4
2019 Diabetes Female 3

The data source of this indicator is the Irish Health Survey (IHS) conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the IHS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the IHS methodology.

A.3.8. Persons with two or more chronic diseases

search_icon Key terms: chronic diseases, chronic conditions, self-reported

Indicator A.3.8. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland that have health problems, which already lasted or are expected to last for at least 6 months, by number of these problems/illnesses, for waves/reference years Wave 1, 2015-Wave 9, 2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality for those effected by illness

A.4. Mortality

A.4.1. Life expectancy at birth

search_icon Key terms: life-expectancy, at birth, international comparison, demography

Indicator A.4.1. illustrates the estimated life expectancy of a person at birth in Ireland (country code: IE) for the years 1986-2023. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included for the available reference years.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “demo_mlexpec”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Demography Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat demographic statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

A.4.2. Life expectancy at the age of 65

search_icon Key terms: life-expectancy, older people, international comparison, demography

Indicator A.4.2. illustrates the estimated life expectancy of a person at the age of 65 by sex in Ireland (country code: IE) for the years 1986-2023. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included for the available reference years.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “demo_mlexpec”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Demography Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat demographic statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

A.4.3. Avoidable (i.e. preventable and treatable) causes of mortality rate

search_icon Key terms: avoidable mortality, treatable mortality, international comparison

Indicator A.4.3. illustrates the avoidable (i.e. preventable and treatable) mortality rate by type of mortality in Ireland (country code: IE) per 100,000 persons aged under 75, for the years 2011-2021. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included for the available reference years.

Notes on types of mortality

Preventable mortality refers to deaths which could have been avoided by public health interventions and other wider determinants, such as; behaviour factors, lifestyle factors, socioeconomic status and environmental factors.

Treatable mortality refers to deaths that could have been avoided through timely treatment and optimal quality health care.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_apr”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Health and Mortality Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat health and mortality statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and prevent mortality

A.4.4. Main causes of mortality (all causes of death)

search_icon Key terms: mortality rate, cause of death, international comparison

Indicator A.4.4. illustrates the distribution of the cause of death for all ages for quarter 2022Q1. The mortality rate (for all causes of death) in Ireland by sex, for the years 2011-2021 is also illustrated in the graph below the table. Furthermore, a comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included in the graph for the available reference years.

Distribution of causes of death: reference quarter 2022Q1
Quarter Cause of death (ICD-10) Count Percent
2022Q1 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00-P96) 23 0.2
2022Q1 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L00-L99) 24 0.3
2022Q1 Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, immunological disorders (D50-D89) 36 0.4
2022Q1 Symptoms, signs, abnormal findings, ill-defined causes (R00-R99) 45 0.5
2022Q1 Congenital malformations and chromosomal abnomalities (Q00-Q99) 47 0.5
2022Q1 Infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99) 79 0.8
2022Q1 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system/connective tissue (M00-M99) 99 1.0
2022Q1 Diseases of the genitourinary system (N00-N99) 189 2.0
2022Q1 Endocrine, Nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E90) 259 2.7
2022Q1 External causes of injury and poisoning (V01-Y89) 277 2.9
2022Q1 Diseases of the Digestive system (K00-K93) 365 3.8
2022Q1 Diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs (G00-H95) 497 5.2
2022Q1 Mental and behavioural disorders (F00-F99) 581 6.1
2022Q1 COVID-19, virus identified and virus unidentified (U07) 641 6.7
2022Q1 Provisional assignment of new diseases of uncertain etiology or emergency use (U00-U49) 641 6.7
2022Q1 Diseases of the Respiratory system (J00-J99) 983 10.3
2022Q1 Diseases of the Circulatory System (I00-I99) 2596 27.2
2022Q1 Malignant neoplasms (C00-C97) 2720 28.5
2022Q1 Neoplasms (C00-D48) 2794 29.3

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_asdr2”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Causes of Death Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat causes of death statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

A.4.5. Mortality rate from circulatory diseases

search_icon Key terms: mortality rate, circulatory disease, international comparison

Indicator A.4.5. illustrates the mortality rate from circulatory diseases as the main cause in Ireland by sex, for the years 2011-2021. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included for the available reference years. Additional comparison with the United Kingdom is also provided for the available reference years.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_asdr2”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Causes of Death Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat causes of death statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality/treatment on circulatory diseases

A.4.6. Mortality rate from cancer (all types)

search_icon Key terms: mortality rate, cancer, international comparison

Indicator A.4.6. illustrates the mortality rate from all types of cancer as the main cause in Ireland by sex, for the years 2011-2021. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included for the available reference years.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_asdr2”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Causes of Death Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat causes of death statistics methodology.

Policies adopted and services implemented aimed to improve health quality and prevention/treatment of cancer

A.4.7. Mortality rate from respiratory diseases

search_icon Key terms: mortality rate, respiratory disease, international comparison

Indicator A.4.7. illustrates the mortality rate from respiratory diseases as the main cause in Ireland by sex, for the years 2011-2021. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included for the available reference years. Additional comparison with the United Kingdom is also provided for the available reference years.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_asdr2”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Causes of Death Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat causes of death statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and prevention of diseases

A.4.8. Rate of deaths by suicide

search_icon Key terms: mortality rate, suicide, international comparison

Indicator A.4.8. illustrates the mortality rate due to suicide in Ireland by sex, for the years 2011-2021. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included for the available reference years. Additional comparison with the United Kingdom is also provided for the available reference years.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_asdr2”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Causes of Death Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat causes of death statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and suicide prevention

A.4.9. Healthy life years at birth

search_icon Key terms: healthy life years, birth, international comparison

Indicator A.4.9. illustrates the estimated healthy life years of a person at birth by sex in Ireland (country code: IE) for the years 2004-2022. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included for available reference years.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_hlye”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Healthy Life Years Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat healthy life years statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

A.4.10. Healthy life years at the age of 65

search_icon Key terms: healthy life years, older people, international comparison

Indicator A.4.10. illustrates the estimated healthy life years of a person at the age of 65 by sex in Ireland (country code: IE) for the years 2004-2022. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included for the available reference years.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_hlye”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Healthy Life Years Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat healthy life years statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

A.5. Risk factors

A.5.1. Persons that are overweight/obese

search_icon Key terms: overweight, obese, BMI

Indicator A.5.1. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland that are considered overweight or obese (i.e. have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 and over), for the reference wave/years Wave 1, 2015 up to Wave 8, 2022 (when available).

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve quality of life and promote a healthy lifestyle

A.5.2. Overweight/Obesity among children

search_icon Key terms: overweight, obese, BMI, children, international comparison

Indicator A.5.2. illustrates the percentage of adolescents (i.e. persons aged 15) reporting to be overweight (including obesity) by sex in Ireland, for scholastic reference year 2017/18. A comparison with the average 27 OECD countries (country code: OECD27) and the United Kingdom is also included for the same scholastic reference year.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve quality of life and promote a healthy lifestyle

A.5.3. Persons who consume appropriate daily amount of vegetables/salads

search_icon Key terms: vegetables, salads, food, diet, daily consumption, self-reported

Indicator A.5.3. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland by daily intake of vegetables/salads (excluding juice and potatoes), for the reference waves/years Wave 1, 2015 up to Wave 7, 2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve quality of life and promote a healthy lifestyle

A.5.4. Persons who consume appropriate daily amount of fruit

search_icon Key terms: fruit, food, diet, daily consumption, self-reported

Indicator A.5.4. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland by daily intake of fruit (excluding juice), for the reference waves/years Wave 1, 2015 up to Wave 7, 2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve quality of life and promote a healthy lifestyle

A.5.5. Yearly cigarettes consumption per capita

search_icon Key terms: cigarette, tobacco, consumption

Indicator A.5.5. illustrates the yearly number of cigarettes consumed per capita among those aged 15 and over in Ireland, for the years 1999-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Revenue Commission, collected from administrative and financial sources.

info_icon More information on the Revenue Commission can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Revenue Commission’s reporting methodology.

Policies adopted to improve quality of life and reduce tobacco consumption

A.5.6. Yearly alcohol litres consumption per capita

search_icon Key terms: alcohol, consumption

Indicator A.5.6. illustrates the yearly litres of alcohol consumed per capita among those aged 15 and over in Ireland, for the years 1999-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Revenue Commission, collected from administrative and financial sources.

info_icon More information on the Revenue Commission can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Revenue Commission’s reporting methodology.

Policies adopted to improve quality of life and reduce alcohol consumption

A.5.7. Persons that undertake moderate weekly physical activity

search_icon Key terms: physical activity, weekly, self-reported

Indicator A.5.7. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland by number of days of undertaking moderate physical exercise per week, for the reference waves/years Wave 1, 2015 up to Wave 5, 2019 (when available).

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

A.5.8. Population exposed to air pollution (PM2.5 levels) exceeding 10 micrograms/m3

search_icon Key terms: air pollution, exposure, international comparison

Indicator A.5.8. illustrates the percentage of population that were exposed to air pollution (i.e. exposed to PM2.5 levels exceeding 10 micrograms/m) in Ireland, for reference years; 1990 up to 2019. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States is also included for the same reference years.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD data table entitled “Current well-being - Environmental quality”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Environment Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD environment statistics methodology.

A.5.9. Health literacy

search_icon Key terms: health literacy, tested

Indicator A.5.9. illustrates the distribution of persons aged 18 and over living in Ireland on their self-reported confidence with health literacy by various domains, for the year 2020.

Notes on health literacy assessment

The level of health literacy was determined by the respondents being asked how easy or difficult they find it to do tasks that deal with health information. The list of tasks amounted to 47 items with four possible response options: very easy, easy, difficult, or very difficult. These 47 items are also grouped according to one of the domains: disease prevention, health care, health promotion and general health literacy.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Literacy Survey (HLS) administered by the Department of Health. The data is collected via a survey among persons aged 18 and over who live in the community (i.e. not in residential care) in Ireland. This survey is part of the Action Network on Measuring Population and Organizational Health Literacy by the World Health Organisation (WHO)-Europe (M-POHL).

info_icon More information on the Health Literacy Survey can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Health Literacy Survey methodology.

Policies adopted to assist and improve quality of life

Outputs Dimension

The Outputs dimension focuses on access, efficiency, quality, safety and experience in using the national healthcare system. This dimension incorporates the following focusing domains: Access, Costs, Person-Centredness and Quality.

B. Access

The Access domain incorporates indicators that evaluate availability, affordability and quality of the national health system. This domain is further disaggregated into the following subsections:

  • Affordability; and

  • Availability.

B.1. Affordability

B.1.1. Unmet need for medical examination due to financial, geographic or waiting times

search_icon Key terms: unmet needs, medical examination, reason, waiting time, financial, geographical, international comparison

Indicator B.1.1. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland (country code: IE) who did not attend a medical examination by reason of non-attendance, for the year 2019. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included for the same time reference.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_ehis_un1e”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat EHIS methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

B.1.2. Unmet need for specific health related services due to financial, geographic or waiting time reasons

search_icon Key terms: unmet needs, specific health service, financial, geographical, waiting time, reason, international comparison

Indicator B.1.2. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland (country code: IE) who did not receive a specific health services due to various accessibility reasons, for the year 2019. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included for the same time reference.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_ehis_un2e”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat EHIS methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

B.1.3. Out-of-pocket spending on health as a share of financial household consumption

search_icon Key terms: out-of-pocket, spending, household consumption, international comparison

Indicator B.1.3. illustrates the private household finances that were spent on health services, as a proportion for the total financial household consumption in Ireland, for the reference year 2021. A comparison with other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries is also included for the same reference year.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

B.1.4. Out-of-pocket spending on health from current health expenditure

search_icon Key terms: out-of-pocket, spending, current health expenditure, households, international comparison

Indicator B.1.4. illustrates the private household finances that were spent on health services, as a proportion from the current health expenditure in Ireland (country code: IE), for the reference years 2011-2022. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU27_2020) is also included for the reference years made available.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “tepsr_sp310”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Healthcare Expenditure Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat healthcare expenditure methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

B.1.5. Share of households with catastrophic health spending by consumption quintile

search_icon Key terms: households, catastrophic health spending, consumption, international comparison

Indicator B.1.5. illustrates the proportion of households having catastrophic health spending by their respective consumption quintile in Ireland, for the latest year available. A comparison with other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries and their average (country code: OECD28) is also included for their most recent available year.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

B.1.6. Voluntary private health insurance coverage

search_icon Key terms: voluntary, private, health insurance

Indicator B.1.6. illustrates the distribution of persons having a voluntary private health insurance coverage in Ireland, for the reference years 1995-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD data table entitled “Healthcare Coverage”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

B.1.7. Percentage of population with a Medical Card

search_icon Key terms: Medical card, PCRS

Indicator B.1.7. illustrates the distribution of persons having a Medical Card in Ireland, for the reference years 2011-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Primary Care Reimbursement Service (PCRS) within the Health Services Executive (HSE), which administers these services.

info_icon More information on the HSE PCRS service can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

B.1.8. Percentage of population with a GP Visit Card

search_icon Key terms: GP visit card, PCRS

Indicator B.1.8. illustrates the distribution of persons having a GP Visit Card in Ireland, for the reference years 2011-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Primary Care Reimbursement Service (PCRS) within the Health Services Executive (HSE), which administers these services.

info_icon More information on the HSE PCRS service can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

B.2. Availability

B.2.1. Practicing doctors per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: practicing, doctors

Indicator B.2.1. illustrates the ratio of practicing physicians (i.e. patient-facing physicians) per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for the reference years 2000-2021. When available, ratios for physicians licensed-to-practice and professionally active physicians are also provided.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_prs2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies and services for training and planning of physicians

B.2.2. Share of doctors by field of practice

search_icon Key terms: doctors, field of practice

Indicator B.2.2. illustrates the distribution of fields of practice of practicing doctors in Ireland, for the reference year 2019-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Irish Medical Council, which is the regulators of all medical doctors in Ireland. The data for this indicator stems from the council’s administrative data sources.

info_icon More information on the Medical Council can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Medical Council’s methodology.

Policies and services for training and planning of physicians

B.2.3. Professionally active nurses per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: professionally active, nurses

Indicator B.2.3. illustrates the ratio of professionally active nurses per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for the reference years 2000-2022. When available, ratio for nurses licensed-to-practice is also provided.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_prs2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

B.2.4. Ratio of practicing nurses to practicing doctors

search_icon Key terms: ratio, practicing, nurses, doctors

Indicator B.2.4. illustrates the ratio of professionally active nurses per practicing doctors in Ireland, for the reference years 2000-2021.

The data source of this indicator stems from indicators B.2.3. and B.2.1. respectively, where the ratio was computed as (number of practicing nurses / number of practicing doctors).

B.2.5. Practicing therapists (e.g. physiotherapists, dietitians, etc.) per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: practicing, therapists

Indicator B.2.5. illustrates the ratio of practicing therapists per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for the reference years 2021-2023.

The data source of this indicator is CORU, which is Ireland’s multi-profession health regulator. The data for this indicator stems from the source’s administrative data.

info_icon More information on CORU can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about CORU’s methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

B.2.6. Different categories of practicing therapists

search_icon Key terms: practicing, therapists, categories of practice

Indicator B.2.6. illustrates the distribution of practicing therapists per 1,000 persons, by category of practice in Ireland, for the reference years 2021-2023.

The data source of this indicator is CORU, which is Ireland’s multi-profession health regulator. The data for this indicator stems from the source’s administrative data.

info_icon More information on CORU can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about CORU’s methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

B.2.7. Health and social care professionals per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: health care professionals, social care professionals, practicing

Indicator B.2.7. illustrates the ratio of practicing caring professionals (both in health and community settings) per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for the reference years 2010-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_prs2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

B.2.8. Health and social care professionals per 1,000 population aged 65 and over

search_icon Key terms: health care professionals, social care professionals, ratio, older people

Indicator B.2.8. illustrates the ratio of practicing caring professionals (both in health and community settings) per 1,000 persons aged 65 and over in Ireland, for the reference years 2010-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_prs2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

B.2.9. Share of older people residential services by setting type

search_icon Key terms: older people, residential service, setting type, proportion

Indicator B.2.9. illustrates the distribution of older people in residential care setting by type of residential setting in Ireland, for the reference years 2001-2022 in the first part. The second section of this indicator, shows the distribution of persons aged 65 years and over that were usually resident in a nursing home or hospital, by sex, during Ireland’s Census year 2011 and Census year 2022.

The data source of the first section of this indicator is the Fair Deal Scheme within the Health Service Executive (HSE), who are the administrators of financial support nursing home care. The data for this indicator stems from the source’s administrative data.

info_icon More information on the Fair Deal Scheme within the HSE can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Fair Deal Scheme methodology.

The data source of the second part of this indicator is the Census of Population and Housing conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data for this indicator stems from the population’s usual place of residence as at Census night.

info_icon More information on the Census of Population and Housing conducted by the CSO can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here and here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Census methodology.

Policies for improving quality of life in nursing homes

C. Costs

The Costs domain incorporates indicators that assess the expenditure levels of the national health system with regards to staff wages, equipment, pharmaceuticals, nursing homes and public health. This domain focuses on only one subsection:

  • Expenditure.

C.1. Expenditure

C.1.1. Health expenditure by provider

search_icon Key terms: health expenditure, provider

Indicator C.1.1. illustrates the current health care expenditure in Ireland by type of provider (in millions of Euros), for the reference years 2019-2020.

Current health care expenditure by provider in Euro millions: reference years 2019 - 2020
Year Provider Euros (million)
2019 All Current Health Care Expenditure (HP.1 to HP.0) 23792
2019 Hospitals (HP.1) 9087
2019 Long-Term Residential Facilities (HP.2) 4186
2019 Ambulatory Health Care Provider (HP.3) 4765
2019 Ancillary Health Care Provider (HP.4) 312
2019 Retailer of Medical Goods (HP.5) 3011
2019 Providers of Preventive Care (HP.6) 299
2019 Providers of Health Care Administration and Financing (HP.7) 548
2019 Rest of the Economy (HP.8) 1318
2019 Rest of the World (HP.9) 71
2019 Providers N.E.C. (HP.0) 196
2020 All Current Health Care Expenditure (HP.1 to HP.0) 26479
2020 Hospitals (HP.1) 9888
2020 Long-Term Residential Facilities (HP.2) 4700
2020 Ambulatory Health Care Provider (HP.3) 5302
2020 Ancillary Health Care Provider (HP.4) 345
2020 Retailer of Medical Goods (HP.5) 3258
2020 Providers of Preventive Care (HP.6) 519
2020 Providers of Health Care Administration and Financing (HP.7) 625
2020 Rest of the Economy (HP.8) 1593
2020 Rest of the World (HP.9) 62
2020 Providers N.E.C. (HP.0) 186

The data source of this indicator is the System of Health Accounts (SHA) which is compiled and hosted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is based on Ireland’s National Accounts compilation.

info_icon More information on the SHA can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the SHA methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

C.1.2. Health expenditure by type of function

search_icon Key terms: health expenditure, function

Indicator C.1.2. illustrates the current health care expenditure in Ireland by type of function (in millions of Euros), for the reference years 2019-2020.

Current health care expenditure by function in Euro millions: reference years 2019 - 2020
Year Health care function Euros (million)
2019 All Current Health Care Expenditure (HC.1 to HC.9) 23792
2019 Curative and Rehabilitative Care (HC.1+HC.2) 13434
2019 Inpatient Curative & Rehabilitative Care (HC.1.1+HC.2.1) 6012
2019 Day Curative and Rehabilitative Care (HC.1.2+HC.2.2) 1869
2019 Outpatient Curative & Rehabilitative Care (HC.1.3+HC.2.3) 4772
2019 Home-Based Curative & Rehabilitative Care (HC.1.4+HC.2.4) 781
2019 Long-Term Care (Health) (HC.3) 5167
2019 Inpatient Long-Term Care (Health) (HC.3.1) 2928
2019 Day Long-Term Care (Health) (HC.3.2) 224
2019 Home-Based Long-Term Care (Health) (HC.3.4) 2015
2019 Ancillary Services (HC.4) 680
2019 Laboratory Services (HC.4.1) 260
2019 Imaging Services (HC.4.2) 169
2019 Patient Transportation (HC.4.3) 242
2019 Ancillary Services N.E.C 9
2019 Medical Goods (Non-Specified by Function) (HC.5) 3099
2019 Pharmaceuticals and Other Medical Non-Durables (HC.5.1) 2800
2019 Therapeutic Appliances and Other Medical Goods (HC.5.2) 299
2019 Preventative Care (HC.6) 634
2019 Information, Education and Counceling Programmes (HC.6.1) 90
2019 Immunisation Programmes (HC.6.2) 52
2019 Early Disease Detection Programmes (HC.6.3) 87
2019 Healthy Condition Monitoring Programmes (HC.6.4) 220
2019 Epidemiological Surveillance, Disease Control Programmes (HC.6.5) 89
2019 Preparing for Disaster and Emergency Response Programmes (HC.6.6) 2
2019 Preventative Care N.E.C NA
2019 Governance and Health System Administration and Financing (HC.7) 554
2019 Govt Health Administration Agencies (HC.7.1) 237
2019 Administration of Health Financing (HC.7.2) 317
2019 Health Care Services N.E.C (HC.9) 225
2020 All Current Health Care Expenditure (HC.1 to HC.9) 26479
2020 Curative and Rehabilitative Care (HC.1+HC.2) 14852
2020 Inpatient Curative & Rehabilitative Care (HC.1.1+HC.2.1) 6762
2020 Day Curative and Rehabilitative Care (HC.1.2+HC.2.2) 1944
2020 Outpatient Curative & Rehabilitative Care (HC.1.3+HC.2.3) 5282
2020 Home-Based Curative & Rehabilitative Care (HC.1.4+HC.2.4) 864
2020 Long-Term Care (Health) (HC.3) 5880
2020 Inpatient Long-Term Care (Health) (HC.3.1) 3215
2020 Day Long-Term Care (Health) (HC.3.2) 253
2020 Home-Based Long-Term Care (Health) (HC.3.4) 2413
2020 Ancillary Services (HC.4) 711
2020 Laboratory Services (HC.4.1) 274
2020 Imaging Services (HC.4.2) 150
2020 Patient Transportation (HC.4.3) 277
2020 Ancillary Services N.E.C 10
2020 Medical Goods (Non-Specified by Function) (HC.5) 3328
2020 Pharmaceuticals and Other Medical Non-Durables (HC.5.1) 3049
2020 Therapeutic Appliances and Other Medical Goods (HC.5.2) 279
2020 Preventative Care (HC.6) 864
2020 Information, Education and Counceling Programmes (HC.6.1) 106
2020 Immunisation Programmes (HC.6.2) 70
2020 Early Disease Detection Programmes (HC.6.3) 245
2020 Healthy Condition Monitoring Programmes (HC.6.4) 221
2020 Epidemiological Surveillance, Disease Control Programmes (HC.6.5) 120
2020 Preparing for Disaster and Emergency Response Programmes (HC.6.6) NA
2020 Preventative Care N.E.C NA
2020 Governance and Health System Administration and Financing (HC.7) 631
2020 Govt Health Administration Agencies (HC.7.1) 254
2020 Administration of Health Financing (HC.7.2) 377
2020 Health Care Services N.E.C (HC.9) 212

The data source of this indicator is the System of Health Accounts (SHA) which is compiled and hosted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is based on Ireland’s National Accounts compilation.

info_icon More information on the SHA can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the SHA methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

C.1.3. Staff pay related expenditure relative to the overall health expenditure

search_icon Key terms: staff pay, compensation of employees, relative, share, health expenditure, System of Health Accounts, SHA, national, public sector

The first part of the indicator C.1.3. illustrates the share of the compensation of employees in the Health Sector out of the total expenditure on health, for the reference years 2011-2022.

Notes on inclusion of data

The compensation of employees (COE) is compiled as the sum of wages/salaries and employers’ social contributions to represent the total cost of employing labour. The revenue PMOD (PAYE modernization) data is the main source of data for COE.

The COE covers all employees in the NACE categories 86 & 87.

NACE 86 includes activities of short or long-term hospitals, general/specialty medical care and substance abuse hospitals, medical nursing homes, mental hospital institutions, rehabilitation centres and other human health institutions which have accommodation facilities and which engage in providing diagnostic and medical treatment.

NACE 87 includes residential care provided together with other types of services according to the needs of the residents. Generally a combination of health and social services, in which health service is predominantly a nursing activity. This includes residential care targeted towards the elderly, people with disabilities, persons with mental health and substance abuse, children’s homes, homeless shelters, etc.

The System of Health Accounts (SHA) total health expenditure relates to the total expenditure on healthcare, excluding social care. Therefore, the NACE 86 & 87 categories do not align exactly with the SHA healthcare definition as they include some elements of social care.

There are some providers of healthcare included in the SHA that do not fall under the categories of NACE 86 & 87 (e.g. the purchase of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies in a supermarket would be included in SHA expenditure but the COE for supermarkets would be captured in NACE 47).

The data source of this indicator is the System of Health Accounts (SHA) which is compiled and hosted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is based on Ireland’s National Accounts compilation.

info_icon More information on the SHA can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the SHA methodology.

The second part of the indicator C.1.3. illustrates the levels of compensation of employees in the Public Health Sector by type of expenditure, for the reference years 2012-2022.

Notes on inclusion of data

Payroll amounts are inclusive of: Basic pay, Allowances, Night Shifts, Weekend/Public Holiday compensations, On Call allowances, Arrears/Other payments and PRSI Employers contributions.

Overtime amount does not contain any other employee compensation item.

Agency costs refer to any amount paid to external Agencies (or accrued costs of same) in relation to employment, including; Basic pay, Overtime, and Service Fees.

Superannuation or Pension payments are not included.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

C.1.4. Pharmaceuticals expenditure relative to the overall health expenditure

search_icon Key terms: pharmaceutical expenditure, relative, health expenditure

Indicator C.1.4. illustrates the current expenditure on pharmaceuticals and other medical non-durables in comparison to the overall current health care expenditure in Ireland (in millions of Euros), for the reference years 2011-2020.

The data source of this indicator is the System of Health Accounts (SHA) which is compiled and hosted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is based on Ireland’s National Accounts compilation.

info_icon More information on the SHA can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the SHA methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

C.1.5. Buildings expenditure relative to the GDP

search_icon Key terms: buildings expenditure, relative, GDP

Indicator C.1.5. illustrates the share of current expenditure on infrastructure from the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), for the reference years 2011-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD “Gross fixed capital formation in the health care system” online data table.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

C.1.6. Equipment expenditure relative to the GDP

search_icon Key terms: equipment expenditure, relative, GDP

Indicator C.1.6. illustrates the share of current expenditure on machinery and equipment from the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), for the reference years 2011-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD “Gross fixed capital formation in the health care system” online data table.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

C.1.7. Health Information System expenditure relative to the GDP

search_icon Key terms: health information, systems, expenditure, relative, GDP

Indicator C.1.7. illustrates the share of current expenditure on intellectual property from the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), for the reference years 2011-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD “Gross fixed capital formation in the health care system” online data table.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

C.1.8. Long-term care expenditure relative to the GDP

search_icon Key terms: long-term care, expenditure, relative, GDP

Indicator C.1.8. illustrates the share of current expenditure on Long-Term Care services (i.e. health and social components by Government and compulsory insurance schemes) from the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), for the reference years 2011-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD “Health expenditure and financing” online data table.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

C.1.9. Expenditure on Sláintecare contracts

search_icon Key terms: expenditure, Sláintecare, contracts

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

C.1.10. Expenditure on primary care as a share of current health expenditure

search_icon Key terms: expenditure, primary care, current expenditure

Indicator C.1.10. illustrates the current expenditure on primary care as a share of the national current health expenditure, for the reference years 2011-2021.

Note on inclusion criteria of data

Data in this indicator captures expenditure data based on the following criteria (based on the System of Health Accounts classifications):

  • Expenditure data is in relation to all functions of care;
  • Data caters for all providers types of financing schemes; and
  • Only expenditure data on Hospitals as the health care services (i.e. HP1) is included.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_sha11_hp”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

C.1.11. Public health expenditure

search_icon Key terms: public, health expenditure

Indicator C.1.11. illustrates the levels of public health expenditure in Ireland, for the reference years 2011-2021.

Public health expenditure (in Euro millions): reference years 2011 - 2021
Year Total health care expenditure Current public expenditure
2011 18972 13122
2012 19164 13383
2013 19393 13056
2014 19486 13212
2015 20298 13848
2016 21334 14622
2017 22403 15486
2018 23848 16628
2019 24846 17756
2020 27710 20872
2021 30265 22160

The data source of this indicator is the System of Health Accounts (SHA) which is compiled and hosted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is based on Ireland’s National Accounts compilation.

info_icon More information on the SHA can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the SHA methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

C.1.12. Voluntary and private nursing home expenditure under the Fair Deal scheme

search_icon Key terms: voluntary, private, nursing homes, expenditure, Fair Deal Scheme

Indicator C.1.12. illustrates the level of expenditure in voluntary and private nursing homes under the Fair Deal Scheme, for the reference years 2012-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Fair Deal Unit as part of the Health Service Executive (HSE), which oversees and regulates all of Ireland’s public health services and public schemes.

info_icon More information on the Fair Deal Scheme within the HSE can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Fair Deal Scheme methodology.

Policies adopted to improve quality of life among the elderly

C.1.13. Public nursing home expenditure under the Fair Deal scheme

search_icon Key terms: public, nursing homes, expenditure, Fair Deal Scheme

Indicator C.1.13. illustrates the level of expenditure in public nursing homes under the Fair Deal Scheme, for the reference years 2012-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Fair Deal Unit as part of the Health Service Executive (HSE), which oversees and regulates all of Ireland’s public health services and public schemes.

info_icon More information on the Fair Deal Scheme within the HSE can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Fair Deal Scheme methodology.

Policies adopted to improve quality of life among the elderly

D. Person-Centredness

The Person-Centredness domain incorporates indicators that assess the experiences in using the national health care system from the perspective of the patient, the health workers and carers. This domain is further disaggregated into the following subsections:

  • Patient reported experiences;

  • Patient reported outcomes;

  • Carer experiences; and

  • Staff experiences.

D.1. Patient reported experiences

D.1.1. Healthcare professionals spending enough time with inpatient service users during consultation

search_icon Key terms: healthcare professionals, consultation, satisfaction, experience, inpatient

Indicator D.1.1. illustrates the number and distribution of persons that have been admitted to an acute hospital for care in Ireland, about their experience of having had enough time to discuss with their doctor their care and treatment plan, for the reference years 2017 up to 2022.

Number of respondents by experience of enough time to discuss inpatient care and treatment with a doctor: reference year 2022
Year Indicator Response Unit Value
2022 Enough time to discuss care and treatment with a doctor No Number 1102
2022 Enough time to discuss care and treatment with a doctor Yes, to some extent Number 3217
2022 Enough time to discuss care and treatment with a doctor Yes, definitely Number 6080
2022 Enough time to discuss care and treatment with a doctor Total Number 10399

The data source of this indicator is the National Inpatient Experience Survey which is published on the National Care Experience Programme dashboard. A total of 40 acute public hospitals from six hospital groups participate in the survey, where the survey covers many topics such as; admission to hospital, care and treatment on the ward, trust in hospital staff, respect and dignity, care during the pandemic and discharge from hospital. The National Inpatient Experience Survey is a nationwide survey asking patients about their recent experiences in hospital during a single survey month each year. The purpose of the survey is to learn from patients’ feedback in order to improve hospital care. Data for year 2020 is not available due to no National Inpatient Experience Survey being carried out at the time.

info_icon More information on the National Inpatient Experience Survey on the National Care Experience Programme can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the National Inpatient Experience Survey methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

D.1.2. Healthcare professionals providing easy-to-understand explanations to inpatient service users

search_icon Key terms: healthcare professionals, explanations, satisfaction, experience, inpatient

Indicator D.1.2. illustrates the number and distribution of persons that have been admitted to an acute hospital for care in Ireland, about their experience of understandable explanations on important questions from a doctor or a nurse respectively, for the reference years 2017 up to 2022.

Number of respondents by experience of understandable explanations on important questions from an inpatient doctor: reference year 2022
Year Indicator Role Level Unit Value
2022 Understandable explanations on important questions from a doctor Doctor No Number 616
2022 Understandable explanations on important questions from a doctor Doctor I had no need to ask Number 665
2022 Understandable explanations on important questions from a doctor Doctor Yes, sometimes Number 2630
2022 Understandable explanations on important questions from a doctor Doctor Yes, always Number 6527
Number of respondents by experience of understandable explanations on important questions from an inpatient nurse: reference year 2022
Year Indicator Role Level Unit Value
2022 Understandable explanations on important questions from a nurse Nurse No Number 395
2022 Understandable explanations on important questions from a nurse Nurse I had no need to ask Number 618
2022 Understandable explanations on important questions from a nurse Nurse Yes, sometimes Number 2390
2022 Understandable explanations on important questions from a nurse Nurse Yes, always Number 7048

The data source of this indicator is the National Inpatient Experience Survey which is published on the National Care Experience Programme dashboard. A total of 40 acute public hospitals from six hospital groups participate in the survey, where the survey covers many topics such as; admission to hospital, care and treatment on the ward, trust in hospital staff, respect and dignity, care during the pandemic and discharge from hospital. The National Inpatient Experience Survey is a nationwide survey asking patients about their recent experiences in hospital during a single survey month each year. The purpose of the survey is to learn from patients’ feedback in order to improve hospital care. Data for year 2020 is not available due to no National Inpatient Experience Survey being carried out at the time.

info_icon More information on the National Inpatient Experience Survey on the National Care Experience Programme can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the National Inpatient Experience Survey methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

D.1.3. Healthcare inpatient service users reporting having had the opportunity to ask questions or raise concerns to their healthcare professionals

search_icon Key terms: opportunity, ask questions, satisfaction, experience, inpatient

Indicator D.1.3. illustrates the number and distribution of persons that have been admitted to an acute hospital for care in Ireland, about their experience of having had enough opportunity to talk to a nurse when needed, for the reference years 2017 up to 2022.

Number of respondents by experience of enough opportunity to talk to an inpatient nurse when needed: reference year 2022
Year Indicator Level Unit Value
2022 Opportunity to talk to a nurse when needed No Number 403
2022 Opportunity to talk to a nurse when needed I had no need to talk to a nurse Number 793
2022 Opportunity to talk to a nurse when needed Yes, sometimes Number 2347
2022 Opportunity to talk to a nurse when needed Yes, always Number 6915
2022 Opportunity to talk to a nurse when needed Total Number 10458

The data source of this indicator is the National Inpatient Experience Survey which is published on the National Care Experience Programme dashboard. A total of 40 acute public hospitals from six hospital groups participate in the survey, where the survey covers many topics such as; admission to hospital, care and treatment on the ward, trust in hospital staff, respect and dignity, care during the pandemic and discharge from hospital. The National Inpatient Experience Survey is a nationwide survey asking patients about their recent experiences in hospital during a single survey month each year. The purpose of the survey is to learn from patients’ feedback in order to improve hospital care. Data for year 2020 is not available due to no National Inpatient Experience Survey being carried out at the time.

info_icon More information on the National Inpatient Experience Survey on the National Care Experience Programme can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the National Inpatient Experience Survey methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

D.1.4. Healthcare professionals that have involved inpatient service users in decisions about care and treatment

search_icon Key terms: healthcare professionals, decision involvement, satisfaction, experience, inpatient

Indicator D.1.4. illustrates the number and distribution of persons that have been admitted to an acute hospital for care in Ireland, about their experience of being involved as much as desired in decisions about their care and treatment, for the reference years 2017 up to 2022.

Number of respondents by experience of being involved as much as desired in decisions about inpatient care and treatment: reference year 2022
Year Indicator Response Unit Value
2022 Patient involved as much as desired in decisions about care and treatment No Number 958
2022 Patient involved as much as desired in decisions about care and treatment Yes, to some extent Number 2939
2022 Patient involved as much as desired in decisions about care and treatment Yes, definitely Number 6484
2022 Patient involved as much as desired in decisions about care and treatment Total Number 10381

The data source of this indicator is the National Inpatient Experience Survey which is published on the National Care Experience Programme dashboard. A total of 40 acute public hospitals from six hospital groups participate in the survey, where the survey covers many topics such as; admission to hospital, care and treatment on the ward, trust in hospital staff, respect and dignity, care during the pandemic and discharge from hospital. The National Inpatient Experience Survey is a nationwide survey asking patients about their recent experiences in hospital during a single survey month each year. The purpose of the survey is to learn from patients’ feedback in order to improve hospital care. Data for year 2020 is not available due to no National Inpatient Experience Survey being carried out at the time.

info_icon More information on the National Inpatient Experience Survey on the National Care Experience Programme can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the National Inpatient Experience Survey methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

D.1.5. Healthcare inpatient service users reporting being treated with dignity and respect

search_icon Key terms: inpatient, treatment, satisfaction, experience, dignity, respect

Indicator D.1.5. illustrates the number and distribution of persons that have been admitted to an acute hospital for care in Ireland, about their level of feeling of being treated with respect and dignity during their hospital stay, for the reference years 2017 up to 2022.

Number of respondents by level of feeling of being treated with respect and dignity during hospital stay: reference year 2022
Year Indicator Response Unit Value
2022 Feeling of being treated with respect and dignity during hospital stay No Number 356
2022 Feeling of being treated with respect and dignity during hospital stay Yes, sometimes Number 1508
2022 Feeling of being treated with respect and dignity during hospital stay Yes, always Number 8525
2022 Feeling of being treated with respect and dignity during hospital stay Total Number 10389

The data source of this indicator is the National Inpatient Experience Survey which is published on the National Care Experience Programme dashboard. A total of 40 acute public hospitals from six hospital groups participate in the survey, where the survey covers many topics such as; admission to hospital, care and treatment on the ward, trust in hospital staff, respect and dignity, care during the pandemic and discharge from hospital. The National Inpatient Experience Survey is a nationwide survey asking patients about their recent experiences in hospital during a single survey month each year. The purpose of the survey is to learn from patients’ feedback in order to improve hospital care. Data for year 2020 is not available due to no National Inpatient Experience Survey being carried out at the time.

info_icon More information on the National Inpatient Experience Survey on the National Care Experience Programme can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the National Inpatient Experience Survey methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

D.1.6. Non-English speaking healthcare service users having had access to translators or any other specific needs

search_icon Key terms: non-English speaking, service users, translators, specific needs

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

D.1.7. Waiting time of more than 4 weeks for getting an appointment with a specialist

search_icon Key terms: waiting times, appointment, adult, child, inpatient, day cases, outpatient, specialist, speciality

Indicator D.1.7. illustrates the distribution of adults and children (respectively) who are waiting for an inpatient/day-case/outpatient service in Ireland, by speciality and length of wait, as at end of reference year 2023.

Number of adults waiting for inpateint/day-case service by speciality and waiting time: as at end of 2023
Year Speciality 0<6 Months 6<12 Months 12<18 Months 18+ Months Total
2023 Anaesthetics 114 2 0 0 116
2023 Breast Surgery 95 27 25 42 188
2023 Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 314 65 13 18 410
2023 Cardiology 3113 535 126 26 3800
2023 Clinical Immunology 218 148 68 28 462
2023 Dental Surgery 52 9 0 4 65
2023 Dermatology 831 109 92 77 1109
2023 Endocrinology 21 2 0 17 40
2023 Gastro-Enterology 429 86 19 6 540
2023 Gastro-Intestinal Surgery 326 139 120 137 722
2023 General Medicine 130 26 0 0 156
2023 General Surgery 8470 2131 1036 1427 13064
2023 Gynaecology 4152 1139 305 259 5855
2023 Haematology 41 2 0 0 43
2023 Hepato-Biliary Surgery 21 10 4 0 34
2023 Maxillo-Facial 630 241 104 168 1143
2023 Nephrology 42 6 0 0 48
2023 Neurology 183 32 7 8 230
2023 Neurosurgery 402 201 10 9 621
2023 Oncology 69 2 0 0 71
2023 Ophthalmology 6287 1462 514 419 8682
2023 Orthopaedics 6452 1590 563 527 9132
2023 Otolaryngology (ENT) 3159 1369 435 626 5589
2023 Pain Relief 3440 1649 329 371 5789
2023 Plastic Surgery 3768 1220 667 727 6382
2023 Radiology 176 4 2 4 185
2023 Respiratory Medicine 583 236 63 66 948
2023 Rheumatology 214 48 29 14 305
2023 Small Volume Specialties 13 2 2 0 16
2023 Urology 6147 1024 376 564 8111
2023 Vascular Surgery 1416 323 92 66 1897
Number of children waiting for inpateint/day-case service by speciality and waiting time: as at end of 2023
Year Speciality 0<6 Months 6<12 Months 12<18 Months 18+ Months Total
2023 Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 65 9 0 0 74
2023 Clinical Immunology 108 65 106 76 355
2023 Dental Surgery 151 77 42 51 321
2023 General Surgery 229 41 21 15 306
2023 Immunology 42 21 4 17 84
2023 Maxillo-Facial 84 36 22 23 164
2023 Ophthalmology 377 335 133 85 930
2023 Orthopaedics 152 84 34 43 313
2023 Otolaryngology (ENT) 1174 374 41 17 1606
2023 Paed Cardiology 166 50 14 0 230
2023 Paed Endocrinology 27 6 4 0 37
2023 Paed Orthopaedic 347 239 110 207 903
2023 Paediatric ENT 593 206 32 29 860
2023 Paediatric Neurosurgery 41 6 6 6 59
2023 Paediatric Radiology 6 8 12 26 51
2023 Paediatric Respiratory Medicine 322 266 234 330 1152
2023 Paediatric Surgery 479 219 118 25 841
2023 Paediatric Urology 193 182 57 69 501
2023 Paediatrics 96 15 2 0 113
2023 Plastic Surgery 303 146 34 58 541
2023 Rheumatology 29 22 25 6 82
2023 Small Volume Specialties 86 17 8 6 116
2023 Urology 209 118 28 15 370
Number of adults waiting for outpatient service by speciality and waiting time: as at end of 2023
Year Speciality 0<6 Months 6<12 Months 12<18 Months 18+ Months Total
2023 Anaesthetics 18 4 0 0 23
2023 Breast Surgery 2372 8 0 0 2380
2023 Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 341 36 25 32 434
2023 Cardiology 22156 9943 2838 1559 36496
2023 Chemical Pathology 60 4 0 0 64
2023 Clinical (Medical) Genetics 701 721 633 922 2977
2023 Clinical Immunology 1368 633 415 109 2525
2023 Clinical Neurophysiology 693 380 281 236 1590
2023 Dermatology 27224 11342 3585 5089 47240
2023 Diabetes Mellitus 1356 427 70 29 1882
2023 Endocrinology 8133 4438 2120 4384 19075
2023 Gastro-Enterology 10887 3734 813 270 15704
2023 Gastro-Intestinal Surgery 199 76 38 8 321
2023 General Medicine 8707 3432 1375 1196 14710
2023 General Surgery 24236 5126 1198 664 31224
2023 Geriatric Medicine 3397 503 110 67 4077
2023 Gynaecology 21493 4686 992 658 27829
2023 Haematology 5434 1918 736 513 8601
2023 Hepato-Biliary Surgery 69 19 2 0 90
2023 Infectious Diseases 695 251 371 2 1319
2023 Maxillo-Facial 1783 480 288 788 3339
2023 Metabolic Medicine 91 10 7 0 108
2023 Microbiology 22 4 0 0 27
2023 Nephrology 2592 705 201 164 3662
2023 Neurology 10195 4989 2164 3786 21134
2023 Neurosurgery 4114 2171 1092 2891 10268
2023 Oncology 572 20 2 0 594
2023 Ophthalmology 16281 7579 3985 4987 32832
2023 Orthopaedics 35540 17054 6321 4822 63737
2023 Other 6 16 0 0 22
2023 Otolaryngology (ENT) 19610 7623 2697 4447 34377
2023 Paediatric Dermatology 18 8 0 0 26
2023 Paediatrics 117 61 18 8 204
2023 Pain Relief 6298 3692 1907 1651 13548
2023 Pathology 62 39 27 61 189
2023 Plastic Surgery 7394 2685 773 2156 13008
2023 Psychiatry 405 15 2 0 422
2023 Radiotherapy 34 0 0 0 34
2023 Rehabilitation Medicine 19 2 0 0 21
2023 Respiratory Medicine 11935 5196 1740 2290 21161
2023 Rheumatology 7232 3086 1126 1192 12636
2023 Small Volume Specialities 68 30 15 0 112
2023 Urology 13470 4112 1067 2560 21209
2023 Vascular Surgery 8230 2804 1434 655 13123
Number of children waiting for outpatient service by speciality and waiting time: as at end of 2023
Year Speciality 0<6 Months 6<12 Months 12<18 Months 18+ Months Total
2023 Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 57 9 0 0 66
2023 Cardiology 43 22 4 17 86
2023 Clinical (Medical) Genetics 158 377 157 12 704
2023 Clinical Immunology 308 205 117 127 757
2023 Dental Surgery 173 90 59 23 345
2023 Dermatology 1553 672 279 587 3091
2023 Developmental Paediatrics 368 206 173 263 1010
2023 Endocrinology 18 2 0 2 22
2023 Gastro-Enterology 17 4 2 0 23
2023 General Medicine 17 5 0 0 22
2023 General Surgery 845 321 147 86 1399
2023 Gynaecology 523 154 64 12 753
2023 Haematology 80 16 2 0 98
2023 Immunology 168 64 29 20 281
2023 Maxillo-Facial 212 101 51 91 455
2023 Neurology 48 7 4 0 59
2023 Ophthalmology 2002 801 270 511 3584
2023 Orthopaedics 1537 736 311 424 3008
2023 Otolaryngology (ENT) 4232 2696 484 412 7824
2023 Paed Cardiology 2321 1552 786 21 4680
2023 Paed Endocrinology 504 131 35 2 672
2023 Paed Gastro-Enterol 457 254 80 83 874
2023 Paed Haematology 222 37 2 0 261
2023 Paed Metabolic Medicine 26 2 4 0 32
2023 Paed Nephrology 314 161 52 12 539
2023 Paed Orthopaedic 1778 1053 741 607 4179
2023 Paediatric Dermatology 2576 1794 605 871 5846
2023 Paediatric ENT 2509 1949 735 1070 6263
2023 Paediatric Infectious Diseases 43 4 2 0 49
2023 Paediatric Neurology 702 314 87 2 1105
2023 Paediatric Neurosurgery 57 4 0 0 61
2023 Paediatric Respiratory Medicine 654 409 185 219 1467
2023 Paediatric Surgery 1944 977 482 97 3500
2023 Paediatric Urology 546 362 148 50 1106
2023 Paediatrics 12462 5021 1182 520 19185
2023 Pain Relief 30 2 0 2 34
2023 Plastic Surgery 722 254 110 115 1201
2023 Rheumatology 259 189 110 540 1098
2023 Small Volume Specialities 65 8 6 2 80
2023 Urology 960 444 154 308 1866

The data source of this indicator is the National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF). The data is based on administrative records of waiting times for inpatient/day-cases/outpatient services.

info_icon More information on the NTPF can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here and here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the NTPF’s waiting list management protocol.

Policies and strategies adopted to address waiting times

D.1.8. Complaints investigated within 30 working days of being acknowledged by the Complaints Officer

search_icon Key terms: complaints, investigation

Indicator D.1.8. illustrates the percentage of submitted complaints that were investigated within 30 working days of submission by area where complaint was submitted in Ireland, for reference year 2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Performance Profile Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

D.2. Patient reported outcomes

D.2.1. Generic patient-reported outcomes (e.g. EQ-5D, EQ VAS)

search_icon Key terms: generic, outcomes, patient-reported

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

D.2.2. Disease-specific patient-reported outcomes on treatment and disease progression

search_icon Key terms: disease-specific, treatment, progression, outcomes, patient-reported

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

D.2.3. Knee replacements: Adjusted mean change between pre- and post-operative Oxford Knee Score (KOOS-PS, EQ-5D)

search_icon Key terms: knee replacements, pre-operative, post-operative, Oxford Knee Score, international comparison

Indicator D.2.3. illustrates the adjusted mean change between pre- and post-operative Oxford Knee Score in Ireland, for reference year 2023. A comparison with other OECD countries is also included for the same reference year (or nearest year available).

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve quality of life and promote a healthy lifestyle

D.3. Carer experiences

D.3.1. Health carers reporting feeling involved in designing the care and support plan for the person under their care

search_icon Key terms: health carers, involved, design of care, support plan, staff survey

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

D.4. Staff experiences

D.4.1. Healthcare staff who have a satisfactory rating annual appraisal

search_icon Key terms: healthcare staff, annual appraisal, satisfactory, staff survey

Indicator D.4.1. illustrates the levels of agreement/disagreement with the following annual appraisal statements among public and Sections 38 & 39 healthcare staff in Ireland, for the latest staff survey year available 2022.


The “Agree” category includes both “Strongly Agree” and “Agree” responses.

The “Disagree” category includes both “Strongly Disagree” and “Disagree” responses.

Line manager refers to the person(s) who the respondent directly reports to on a daily basis.

Senior managers/Senior management refers to the senior management where the respondent works at (e.g. hospital, hospital group, community healthcare organisation, national service, etc.).

The Organisation refers to where the respondent works and in the respective hospital group, community healthcare organisation, national service, etc.

The Workplace refers to the place where the respondent carries out their day-to-day work.

The data source of this indicator is the HSE Staff Survey, which is conducted around every two years among HSE staff and Section 38 & 39 healthcare workers. The data for this indicator stems from the HSE Staff Survey publication.

info_icon More information on the HSE Staff Survey can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE Staff Survey’s methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

D.4.2. Healthcare staff reporting good/excellent work engagement

search_icon Key terms: healthcare staff, work engagement, staff survey

Indicator D.4.2. illustrates the levels of agreement/disagreement with the following work engagement statements among public and Sections 38 & 39 healthcare staff in Ireland, for the latest staff survey year available 2022.


The “Agree” category includes both “Strongly Agree” and “Agree” responses.

The “Disagree” category includes both “Strongly Disagree” and “Disagree” responses.

Line manager refers to the person(s) who the respondent directly reports to on a daily basis.

Senior managers/Senior management refers to the senior management where the respondent works at (e.g. hospital, hospital group, community healthcare organisation, national service, etc.).

The Organisation refers to where the respondent works and in the respective hospital group, community healthcare organisation, national service, etc.

The Workplace refers to the place where the respondent carries out their day-to-day work.

The data source of this indicator is the HSE Staff Survey, which is conducted around every two years among HSE staff and Section 38 & 39 healthcare workers. The data for this indicator stems from the HSE Staff Survey publication.

info_icon More information on the HSE Staff Survey can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE Staff Survey’s methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

D.4.3. Healthcare staff reporting good/excellent patient safety culture in their service

search_icon Key terms: healthcare staff, patient safety, culture, staff survey

Indicator D.4.3. illustrates the levels of agreement/disagreement with the following safety culture statements among public and Sections 38 & 39 healthcare staff in Ireland, for the latest staff survey year available 2022.


The “Agree” category includes both “Strongly Agree” and “Agree” responses.

The “Disagree” category includes both “Strongly Disagree” and “Disagree” responses.

Line manager refers to the person(s) who the respondent directly reports to on a daily basis.

Senior managers/Senior management refers to the senior management where the respondent works at (e.g. hospital, hospital group, community healthcare organisation, national service, etc.).

The Organisation refers to where the respondent works and in the respective hospital group, community healthcare organisation, national service, etc.

The Workplace refers to the place where the respondent carries out their day-to-day work.

The data source of this indicator is the HSE Staff Survey, which is conducted around every two years among HSE staff and Section 38 & 39 healthcare workers. The data for this indicator stems from the HSE Staff Survey publication.

info_icon More information on the HSE Staff Survey can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE Staff Survey’s methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

D.4.4. Healthcare staff existing within ranges of years since the start of their career

search_icon Key terms: healthcare staff, years, service

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E. Quality

The Quality domain incorporates indicators that evaluate the safety of patients that are receiving care and the effectiveness of the administered treatments. This domain is further disaggregated into the following subsections:

  • Clinical effectiveness; and

  • Safety.

E.1. Clinical effectiveness

E.1.1. Congestive heart failure hospital admissions in adults per 100,000 population (age-sex standardised)

search_icon Key terms: congestive heart failure, CHF, admissions, age-sex standardised

Indicator E.1.1. illustrates the age-standardised admissions rate per 100,000 persons (including upper and lower limit estimates) for Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) by sex in Ireland, for reference years 2012-2022.

CHF admissions rate per 100,000 persons (age-standardised): reference years 2021 - 2022
Year Sex Rate Rate - Lower limit Rate - Upper limit
2021 Both sexes 155.53 151.49 159.57
2022 Both sexes 148.53 144.67 152.39
2021 Male 194.68 187.86 201.51
2022 Male 194.13 187.46 200.80
2021 Female 127.96 123.03 132.89
2022 Female 117.18 112.55 121.82

The data source of this indicator is the Healthcare Pricing Office, Hospital Inpatient Enquiry (HIPE). The HIPE data is based on administrative inpatient data submitted by public sector hospitals.

info_icon More information on the HIPE data can be found on the HIPE section here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIPE data methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and cardiovascular health

E.1.2. Patients, whose principal diagnosis was stroke, who were admitted to a hospital Stroke Unit

search_icon Key terms: stroke, principal diagnosis, admissions, Stroke Unit

Indicator E.1.2. illustrates the admissions of patients due to stroke by type of hospital having a Stroke Unit or otherwise in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2021.

Notes on inclusion of data

Only data from hospitals which are part of Hospital Groups are included.

Letterkenny University Hospital opened a Stroke Unit in March 2021. It is included in ‘Hospitals with Stroke Units’ from 2021 onwards, but in ‘Other Hospitals’ for previous years.

Updates in the ICD10-AM classification system incorporates the change where rehabilitation is no longer be coded as a principal diagnosis. This implies that some admissions to hospitals for rehabilitation following a stroke, would now be coded with a principal diagnosis of stroke from 2020 onwards.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthcare Pricing Office, Hospital Inpatient Enquiry (HIPE). The HIPE data is based on administrative inpatient data submitted by public sector hospitals.

info_icon More information on the HIPE data can be found on the HIPE section here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIPE data methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and cardiovascular health

E.1.3. STEMI patients (without contraindication to reperfusion therapy) who got timely percutaneous coronary intervention

search_icon Key terms: STEMI, timely, intervention, PPCI

Indicator E.1.3. illustrates the percentage of ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) patients, without contraindication to reperfusion therapy, who got Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PPCI) in Ireland, for reference quarters Q2-2021-Q2-2023.

Percentage of STEMI patients getting PPCI: reference quarters Q2-2021 - Q2-2023
Quarter Indicator Unit Value
Q2-2021 STEMI patients who get PPCI Percent 91.9
Q3-2021 STEMI patients who get PPCI Percent 92.6
Q4-2021 STEMI patients who get PPCI Percent 90.0
Q1-2022 STEMI patients who get PPCI Percent 89.8
Q2-2022 STEMI patients who get PPCI Percent 88.8
Q3-2022 STEMI patients who get PPCI Percent 87.9
Q4-2022 STEMI patients who get PPCI Percent 87.8
Q1-2023 STEMI patients who get PPCI Percent 87.9
Q2-2023 STEMI patients who get PPCI Percent 86.9

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient experience

E.1.4. Thirty-day mortality after hospital admission for ischaemic stroke per 100 hospital admissions (age-sex standardised)

search_icon Key terms: thirty-day mortality, admissions, ischaemic stroke, age-sex standardised

Indicator E.1.4. illustrates the age-standardised mortality rate per 100 hospital admissions (including upper and lower limit estimates) after 30 days of admission due to ischaemic stroke by sex in Ireland, for reference years 2006-2021.

Notes on inclusion of data

Only data from hospitals which are part of Hospital Groups are included.

Updates in the ICD10-AM classification system incorporates the change where rehabilitation is no longer be coded as a principal diagnosis. This implies that some admissions to hospitals for rehabilitation following a stroke, would now be coded with a principal diagnosis of stroke from 2020 onwards.

Mortality rate following 30 days of admission (per 100 admissions) due to ischaemic stroke (age-standardised): reference years 2020 - 2021
Year Sex Rate Rate - Lower limit Rate - Upper limit
2020 Both sexes 6.32 5.64 6.99
2021 Both sexes 5.98 5.33 6.62
2020 Male 5.56 4.73 6.38
2021 Male 5.69 4.88 6.49
2020 Female 7.26 6.17 8.36
2021 Female 6.42 5.39 7.45

The data source of this indicator is the Healthcare Pricing Office, Hospital Inpatient Enquiry (HIPE). The HIPE data is based on administrative inpatient data submitted by public sector hospitals.

info_icon More information on the HIPE data can be found on the HIPE section here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIPE data methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and cardiovascular health

E.1.5. Thirty-day mortality following AMI per 100,000 population (age-sex standardised)

search_icon Key terms: thirty-day mortality, admissions, AMI, age-sex standardised

Indicator E.1.5. illustrates the age-standardised mortality rate per 100,000 persons (including upper and lower limit estimates) after 30 days of admission due to Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) by sex in Ireland, for reference years 2006-2021.

Notes on inclusion of data

Only data from hospitals which are part of Hospital Groups are included.

Updates in the ICD10-AM classification system incorporates the change where rehabilitation is no longer be coded as a principal diagnosis. This implies that some admissions to hospitals for rehabilitation following a stroke, would now be coded with a principal diagnosis of stroke from 2020 onwards.

Mortality rate following 30 days of admission (per 100,000 persons) due to AMI (age-standardised): reference years 2020 - 2021
Year Sex Rate Rate - Lower limit Rate - Upper limit
2020 Both sexes 5.20 4.59 5.81
2021 Both sexes 5.25 4.63 5.86
2020 Male 4.09 3.47 4.70
2021 Male 4.24 3.62 4.87
2020 Female 7.09 5.82 8.36
2021 Female 6.95 5.68 8.22

The data source of this indicator is the Healthcare Pricing Office, Hospital Inpatient Enquiry (HIPE). The HIPE data is based on administrative inpatient data submitted by public sector hospitals.

info_icon More information on the HIPE data can be found on the HIPE section here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIPE data methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and cardiovascular health

E.1.6. Diabetes hospital admissions in adults per 100,000 population (age-sex standardised)

search_icon Key terms: diabetes, admissions, age-sex standardised

Indicator E.1.6. illustrates the age-standardised admissions rate per 100,000 persons (including upper and lower limit estimates) for diabetes by sex in Ireland, for reference years 2012-2022.

Notes on break in series in data

Due to an update to the coding system of ICD-10-AM from the 6th to 8th edition, this impacted how diabetes is reported. Hence, the rates for years subsequent to 2015 are not directly comparable with those from previous years’ classification.

Diabetes admissions rate per 100,000 persons (age-standardised): reference years 2021 - 2022
Year Sex Rate Rate - Lower limit Rate - Upper limit Flag
2021 Both sexes 94.44 91.40 97.49 NA
2022 Both sexes 92.35 89.38 95.32 NA
2021 Male 124.96 119.85 130.08 NA
2022 Male 123.80 118.76 128.83 NA
2021 Female 69.16 65.52 72.79 NA
2022 Female 67.12 63.60 70.65 NA

The data source of this indicator is the Healthcare Pricing Office, Hospital Inpatient Enquiry (HIPE). The HIPE data is based on administrative inpatient data submitted by public sector hospitals.

info_icon More information on the HIPE data can be found on the HIPE section here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIPE data methodology.

E.1.7. Major lower extremity amputation in adults with diabetes per 100,000 population (age-sex standardised)

search_icon Key terms: amputations, diabetes, age-sex standardised

Indicator E.1.7. illustrates the age-standardised rate per 100,000 persons (including upper and lower limit estimates) for major lower extremity amputations in adults with diabetes by sex in Ireland, for reference years 2012-2022.

Notes on break in series in data

Due to an update to the coding system of ICD-10-AM from the 6th to 8th edition, this impacted how diabetes is reported. Hence, the rates for years subsequent to 2015 are not directly comparable with those from previous years’ classification.

Major lower extremity amputations in adults with diabetes rate per 100,000 persons (age-standardised): reference years 2021 - 2022
Year Sex Rate Rate - Lower limit Rate - Upper limit
2021 Male 6.28 5.12 7.45
2021 Female 1.46 0.93 1.99
2021 Both Sexes 3.58 2.99 4.17
2022 Male 6.04 4.92 7.15
2022 Female 1.66 1.10 2.21
2022 Both Sexes 3.59 3.01 4.17

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

E.1.8. Persons with diabetes prescribed recommended antihypertensive medication in the past year

search_icon Key terms: diabetes, prescriptions, antihypertensive, medication

Indicator E.1.8. illustrates the rate of persons with diabetes being prescribed first choice antihypertensives per 100 people, by sex in Ireland, for reference years 2014-2021.

Notes on data

The below data refers only to publicly reimbursed prescribed medication.

The denominator of this indicator comprises of people on long-term glucose regulating medication who are also on a prescription of antihypertensive medication. The numerator comprises of persons who fall within the denominator category and are being prescribed first-choice/recommended antihypertensive medication.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

E.1.9. Uptake of national cancer screening programmes

search_icon Key terms: uptake, national programmes, cancer screening, breast, cervical, colorectal

Indicator E.1.9. illustrates the rate of uptake among those eligible for cancer screening programmes, by type of cancer in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2021.

Note on eligibility of cancer screening programmes

Cervical cancer screening is targeted for females aged 25-65.

Breast cancer screening is targeted for females aged 50-69.

Colorectal cancer screening is targeted for both males and females aged 60-69. This screening services started its operation in 2015.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_ps_prev”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies adopted and services implemented aimed to improve health quality and prevention/treatment of cancer

E.1.10. Lung cancer five-year net survival (age-standardised)

search_icon Key terms: lung cancer, five-year, net survival, age-standardised

Indicator E.1.10. illustrates the age-standardised five-year net survival rate for lung cancer patients at all cancer stages by sex and age-group (including estimated lower and upper net survival rates) for reference years 2014-2018.

Age-standardised five-year net survival rate for lung cancer patients by sex and age-group: reference years 2014-2018
Cancer type Sex Age-group Years survived Net survival rate (NSR) NSR - Lower limit NSR - Upper limit
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Both 15-44 5 45.5 38.2 52.5
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Both 45-54 5 28.1 24.6 31.6
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Both 55-64 5 28.7 26.7 30.7
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Both 65-74 5 22.7 21.3 24.2
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Both 75+ 5 13.8 12.4 15.3
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Male 15-44 5 42.3 32.4 51.8
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Male 45-54 5 24.8 20.4 29.4
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Male 55-64 5 24.1 21.6 26.7
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Male 65-74 5 18.7 16.9 20.6
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Male 75+ 5 12.8 10.8 14.9
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Female 15-44 5 48.5 37.5 58.6
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Female 45-54 5 32.2 26.9 37.7
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Female 55-64 5 34.1 31.0 37.1
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Female 65-74 5 27.6 25.3 29.9
Lung & tracheal cancer (C33-C34) Female 75+ 5 14.9 12.9 17.1

The data source of this indicator is the National Cancer Registry Ireland (NCRI) online database. The NCRI database table name for this data is “Survival statistics”.

info_icon More information on the NCRI can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the NCRI statistics methodology.

E.1.11. Mortality rate from lung cancer

search_icon Key terms: mortality rate, lung cancer

Indicator E.1.11. illustrates the mortality rate of patients with lung cancer in Ireland, by sex, for the reference years 2011-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_asdr2”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Causes of Death Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat causes of death statistics methodology.

E.1.12. Prostate cancer five-year net survival (age-standardised)

search_icon Key terms: prostate cancer, five-year, net survival, age-standardised

Indicator E.1.12. illustrates the age-standardised five-year net survival rate for prostate cancer patients at all cancer stages by age-group (including estimated lower and upper net survival rates) for reference years 2014-2018.

Age-standardised five-year net survival rate for prostate cancer patients by age-group: reference years 2014-2018
Cancer type Sex Age-group Years survived Net survival rate (NSR) NSR - Lower limit NSR - Upper limit
Prostate cancer (C61) Male 15-54 5 98.4 97.2 99.0
Prostate cancer (C61) Male 55-64 5 99.1 NA NA
Prostate cancer (C61) Male 65-74 5 99.4 NA NA
Prostate cancer (C61) Male 75-84 5 87.4 84.2 90.0
Prostate cancer (C61) Male 85+ 5 45.7 35.5 55.2

The data source of this indicator is the National Cancer Registry Ireland (NCRI) online database. The NCRI database table name for this data is “Survival statistics”.

info_icon More information on the NCRI can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the NCRI statistics methodology.

E.1.13. Mortality rate from prostate cancer

search_icon Key terms: mortality rate, prostate cancer

Indicator E.1.13. illustrates the mortality rate of patients with prostate cancer in Ireland for the reference years 2011-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_asdr2”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Causes of Death Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat causes of death statistics methodology.

E.1.14. Breast cancer five-year net survival (age-standardised)

search_icon Key terms: breast cancer, five-year, net survival, age-standardised

Indicator E.1.14. illustrates the age-standardised five-year net survival rate for breast cancer patients at all cancer stages by age-group (including estimated lower and upper net survival rates) for reference years 2014-2018.

Age-standardised five-year net survival rate for breast cancer patients by age-group: reference years 2014-2018
Cancer type Sex Age-group Years survived Net survival rate (NSR) NSR - Lower limit NSR - Upper limit
Breast cancer (C50) Female 15-44 5 91.6 90.2 92.7
Breast cancer (C50) Female 45-54 5 93.1 92.2 94.0
Breast cancer (C50) Female 55-64 5 93.6 92.6 94.5
Breast cancer (C50) Female 65-74 5 89.4 87.7 90.8
Breast cancer (C50) Female 75+ 5 78.0 74.4 81.1

The data source of this indicator is the National Cancer Registry Ireland (NCRI) online database. The NCRI database table name for this data is “Survival statistics”.

info_icon More information on the NCRI can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the NCRI statistics methodology.

E.1.15. Mortality rate from breast cancer

search_icon Key terms: mortality rate, breast cancer

Indicator E.1.15. illustrates the mortality rate of patients with breast cancer in Ireland, by sex, for the reference years 2011-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_asdr2”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Causes of Death Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat causes of death statistics methodology.

E.1.16. Cervical cancer five-year net survival (age-standardised)

search_icon Key terms: cervical cancer, five-year, net survival, age-standardised

Indicator E.1.16. illustrates the age-standardised five-year net survival rate for cervical cancer patients at all cancer stages by age-group (including estimated lower and upper net survival rates) for reference years 2014-2018.

Age-standardised five-year net survival rate for cervical cancer patients by age-group: reference years 2014-2018
Cancer type Sex Age-group Years survived Net survival rate (NSR) NSR - Lower limit NSR - Upper limit
Cervical cancer (C53) Female 15-44 5 86.0 83.2 88.4
Cervical cancer (C53) Female 45-54 5 71.3 64.9 76.7
Cervical cancer (C53) Female 55-64 5 60.8 53.2 67.6
Cervical cancer (C53) Female 65-74 5 59.3 47.5 69.2
Cervical cancer (C53) Female 75+ 5 29.8 18.2 42.2

The data source of this indicator is the National Cancer Registry Ireland (NCRI) online database. The NCRI database table name for this data is “Survival statistics”.

info_icon More information on the NCRI can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the NCRI statistics methodology.

Policies adopted and services implemented aimed to improve health quality and prevention/treatment of cancer

E.1.17. Mortality rate from cervical cancer

search_icon Key terms: mortality rate, cervical cancer

Indicator E.1.17. illustrates the mortality rate of patients with cervical cancer in Ireland for the reference years 2011-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_asdr2”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Causes of Death Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat causes of death statistics methodology.

Policies adopted and services implemented aimed to improve health quality and prevention/treatment of cancer

E.1.18. Colorectal cancer five-year net survival (age-standardised)

search_icon Key terms: colorectal cancer, five-year, net survival, age-standardised

Indicator E.1.18. illustrates the age-standardised five-year net survival rate for colorectal cancer patients at all cancer stages by sex and age-group (including estimated lower and upper net survival rates) for reference years 2014-2018.

Age-standardised five-year net survival rate for colorectal cancer patients by sex and age-group: reference years 2014-2018
Cancer type Sex Age-group Years survived Net survival rate (NSR) NSR - Lower limit NSR - Upper limit
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Female 15-44 5 72.9 66.7 78.1
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Female 45-54 5 68.5 63.8 72.8
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Female 55-64 5 73.8 70.7 76.7
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Female 65-74 5 67.6 64.5 70.6
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Female 75+ 5 55.0 51.2 58.6
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Male 15-44 5 69.5 63.2 74.9
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Male 45-54 5 69.8 65.6 73.6
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Male 55-64 5 69.8 67.2 72.3
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Male 65-74 5 69.4 66.8 71.8
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Male 75+ 5 59.7 55.9 63.3
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Both 15-44 5 71.2 66.9 75.1
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Both 45-54 5 69.2 66.1 72.1
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Both 55-64 5 71.3 69.3 73.2
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Both 65-74 5 68.8 66.8 70.6
Colorectal cancer (C18-C21) Both 75+ 5 57.5 54.8 60.1

The data source of this indicator is the National Cancer Registry Ireland (NCRI) online database. The NCRI database table name for this data is “Survival statistics”.

info_icon More information on the NCRI can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the NCRI statistics methodology.

E.1.19. Mortality rate from colorectal cancer

search_icon Key terms: mortality rate, colorectal cancer

Indicator E.1.19. illustrates the mortality rate of patients with colorectal cancer in Ireland, by sex, for the reference years 2011-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_asdr2”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Causes of Death Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat causes of death statistics methodology.

E.1.20. Pancreatic cancer five-year net survival (age-standardised)

search_icon Key terms: pancreatic cancer, five-year, net survival, age-standardised

Indicator E.1.20. illustrates the age-standardised five-year net survival rate for pancreatic cancer patients at all cancer stages by sex and age-group (including estimated lower and upper net survival rates) for reference years 2014-2018.

Age-standardised five-year net survival rate for pancreatic cancer patients by sex and age-group: reference years 2014-2018
Cancer type Sex Age-group Years survived Net survival rate (NSR) NSR- Lower limit NSR - Upper limit
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Female 15-44 5 61.43 44.28 74.72
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Female 45-54 5 21.91 13.62 31.47
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Female 55-64 5 13.97 9.29 19.59
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Female 65-74 5 9.20 6.00 13.21
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Female 75+ 5 6.03 3.80 8.97
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Male 15-44 5 38.30 21.50 54.90
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Male 45-54 5 24.50 16.40 33.40
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Male 55-64 5 14.20 10.40 18.60
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Male 65-74 5 10.10 7.20 13.60
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Male 75+ 5 7.30 4.20 11.50
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Both 15-44 5 51.20 38.90 62.30
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Both 45-54 5 23.40 17.50 29.80
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Both 55-64 5 14.20 11.20 17.60
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Both 65-74 5 9.80 7.50 12.30
Pancreatic cancer (C25) Both 75+ 5 6.60 4.70 9.00

The data source of this indicator is the National Cancer Registry Ireland (NCRI) online database. The NCRI database table name for this data is “Survival statistics”.

info_icon More information on the NCRI can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the NCRI statistics methodology.

Policies adopted and services implemented aimed to improve health quality and prevention/treatment of cancer

E.1.21. Mortality rate from pancreatic cancer

search_icon Key terms: mortality rate, pancreatic cancer

Indicator E.1.21. illustrates the mortality rate of patients with pancreatic cancer in Ireland, by sex, for the reference years 2011-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_asdr2”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Causes of Death Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat causes of death statistics methodology.

Policies adopted and services implemented aimed to improve health quality and prevention/treatment of cancer

E.1.22. Multiple chronic conditions among people aged 50 and over

search_icon Key terms: chronic conditions, chronic, older people, self-reported

Indicator E.1.22. illustrates the percentage of persons aged 50 and over residing in Ireland who have been determined to be suffering from chronic conditions, by the number of these conditions, for reference periods Wave 1 (2009-11) up to Wave 5 (2018).

Note on chronic conditions

Chronic conditions refers to the following conditions: angina, heart attack, heart failure, heart murmur, heart rhythm, stroke, transient ischaemic attack, chronic lung disease, asthma, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes and cancer.

The data source of this indicator is The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) conducted by Trinity College in Dublin. The data is collected via a longitudinal survey among persons aged 50 and over who live in the community (i.e. not in residential long-term care) in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the TILDA survey can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the TILDA survey methodology.

Policies adopted to assist and improve quality of life for older persons

Current HSE Services to assist and improve quality of life for older persons

E.1.23. Limitation in daily activities among persons aged 65 and over

search_icon Key terms: limitations, daily activities, older people, self-reported

Indicator E.1.23. illustrates the percentage of persons aged 50 and over residing in Ireland who who have been limited in daily activities due to health problems for the past six months or more by age-group, for reference periods Wave 1 (2009-11) up to Wave 5 (2018).

The data source of this indicator is The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) conducted by Trinity College in Dublin. The data is collected via a longitudinal survey among persons aged 50 and over who live in the community (i.e. not in residential long-term care) in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the TILDA survey can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the TILDA survey methodology.

Policies adopted to assist and improve quality of life for older persons

Current HSE Services to assist and improve quality of life for older persons

E.1.24. Avoidable hospital admissions per 100,000 population (age-sex standardised)

search_icon Key terms: avoidable admissions, age-sex standardised, asthma, CHF, COPD

Indicator E.1.24. illustrates the number of avoidable admissions among those aged 15 and over per 100,000 persons for; Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) in Ireland, for reference years 2019-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here and here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and prevent hospital admissions

E.1.25. Mortality from preventable causes

search_icon Key terms: mortality, preventable causes

Indicator E.1.25. illustrates the number of deaths by preventable causes in Ireland among persons aged under 75, for the years 2011-2021.

Note on preventable mortality

Preventable mortality refers to deaths which could have been avoided by public health interventions and other wider determinants, such as; behaviour factors, lifestyle factors, socioeconomic factors and environmental factors.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_apr”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Health and Mortality Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat health and mortality statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and prevent mortality

E.1.26. Mortality from treatable causes

search_icon Key terms: mortality, treatable causes

Indicator E.1.26. illustrates the number of deaths by treatable causes in Ireland among persons aged under 75, for the years 2011-2021.

Note on treatable mortality

Treatable mortality refers to deaths that could have been avoided through timely treatment and optimal quality healthcare provision.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_cd_apr”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Health and Mortality Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat health and mortality statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality, treatment and prevent mortality

E.1.27. Thirty-day unplanned readmission rates

search_icon Key terms: emergency, unplanned, readmission, hospital, 30 days, discharge

Indicator E.1.27. illustrates the proportion of emergency re-admissions for acute medical conditions to the same hospital within 30 days of discharge, out of the total medical inpatient discharges for the same period, for reference period Jan-21 - Aug-23.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

E.1.28. Prevalence of psychological distress symptoms among population aged 15 and over

search_icon Key terms: prevalence, psychological distress, long-term condition. emotional distress, nervous distress, psychiatric problems, depression, anxiety

Indicator E.1.28 illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland that have reported to have any emotional, nervous or psychiatric problems (such as depression or anxiety) as a long-term chronic condition, by sex, for waves/reference years Wave 3, 2017 up to Wave 9, 2023.

Note on comparability over time

Comparability between Wave 5 and Wave 7 to be made with caution due to the following changes in the data collection methodology, which can impact survey response: change in the questionnaire with the introduction of a filter question prior to the listing of the conditions, and change in the method of data collection from an in-person survey to a telephone survey.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality for those effected by chronic psychological conditions

E.1.29. Deaths by suicide

search_icon Key terms: deaths, suicide

Indicator E.1.29. illustrates the number of deaths by suicide in Ireland by sex, for the years 2008-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Deaths Registration from the Vital Statistics Unit within the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is administrative records of deaths caused by suicide in Ireland.

info_icon More information on Deaths Registration can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Deaths Registration methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and suicide prevention

E.1.30. Deaths by suicide following hospitalisation for a psychiatric disorder, within 30 days of discharge per 10,000 patients (age-sex standardised)

search_icon Key terms: suicide, hospitalisation, psychiatric disorder, age-sex standardised

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E.1.31. Deaths by suicide following hospitalisation for a psychiatric disorder, within one year of discharge per 10,000 patients (age-sex standardised)

search_icon Key terms: suicide, hospitalisation, psychiatric disorder, age-sex standardised

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E.1.32. Inpatient death by suicide among patients with a psychiatric disorder per 10,000 patients (age-sex standardised)

search_icon Key terms: suicide, inpatient, psychiatric disorder, age-sex standardised

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E.1.33. Immunisation coverage

search_icon Key terms: immunisation, coverage, HPV, Tdap, MenC, MenACWY, students

Indicator E.1.33. illustrates the percentage uptake of first year students in second level schools (or age equivalent in special schools and home schooled) for various vaccines by type (i.e. HPV, Tdap, MenC and MenACWY) in Ireland, for reference academic years 2014/15 - 2021/22.

Note on the HPV vaccine coverage

HPV vaccinations (all stages) coverage include only female students for the academic years 2014/15-2018/19. For the academic years 2019/2020 onwards, the HPV vaccine was administered to both female and male students.

Percentage of student uptake of vaccines by type: reference academic years 2014/15 - 2021/22
Academic year HPV - Stage 1 HPV - Stage 2 HPV - Stage 3 Tdap MenC MenACWY
2014/15 89.9 87.4 0.3 89.3 88.2 NA
2015/16 83.3 75.4 0.4 89.5 87.3 NA
2016/17 58.8 56.3 0.9 86.5 85.6 NA
2017/18 67.2 65.4 0.2 87.5 86.8 NA
2018/19 75.7 73.7 0.2 88.3 87.7 NA
2019/20 82.8 79.3 0.1 89.7 NA 85.5
2020/21 79.3 74.2 0.0 82.0 NA 78.6
2021/22 78.4 69.4 0.0 81.1 NA 76.6

The data source of this indicator is the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) online reports. The HPSC report name for this data is “HPV/Tdap/MenC/MenACWY uptake statistics”.

info_icon More information on the HPSC can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HPSC data practices and methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and vaccination uptake

E.1.34. Persons vaccinated for SARS-CoV-2

search_icon Key terms: vaccination, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19

Indicator E.1.34. illustrates the number of persons having received the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination by type of dose in Ireland, for reference months 2020-12 to 2024-04.

Notes on SARS-CoV-2 vaccination schedule

Primary course refers to either the double or single dose of COVID-19 vaccine that was offered as the primary round of vaccinations in Ireland. The administration of this vaccine course in Ireland commenced in December 2020.

First booster refers to the first round of the COVID-19 booster vaccine, following the uptake of the primary course. The administration of this vaccine course in Ireland commenced in October 2021.

Second booster refers to the second round of the COVID-19 booster vaccine, following the uptake of the first booster. The administration of this vaccine course in Ireland commenced in April 2022.

Third booster refers to the third round of the COVID-19 booster vaccine, following the uptake of the second booster. The administration of this vaccine course in Ireland commenced in September 2022.

Fourth booster refers to the fourth round of the COVID-19 booster vaccine, following the uptake of the third booster. The administration of this vaccine course in Ireland commenced in April 2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub which is administered by the Department of Health. The section name for this data is entitled “Vaccination”.

info_icon More information on the “Vaccination” statistics data hub can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the data hub methodology.

E.1.35. Persons aged 65 and over vaccinated for influenza

search_icon Key terms: Medical card, GP visit card, influenza, vaccination, older people

Indicator E.1.35. illustrates the percentage of persons aged 65 and over having a Medical/GP card, residing in Ireland who have been vaccinated against influenza, for reference influenza seasons 2009/10-2022/23.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) online reports. The HPSC report name for this data is “Seasonal influenza vaccine uptake”.

info_icon More information on the HPSC can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HPSC data practices and methodology.

Policies adopted to assist and improve quality of life for older persons

Current HSE Services to assist and improve quality of life for older persons

E.1.36. Healthcare professionals in hospitals vaccinated for influenza

search_icon Key terms: healthcare professionals, hospital staff, vaccination, influenza

Indicator E.1.36. illustrates the percentage of health care workers in public hospitals in Ireland who have been vaccinated against the influenza, for reference influenza season 2021/22.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthcare Pricing Office, Hospital Inpatient Enquiry (HIPE). The HIPE data is based on administrative inpatient data submitted by public sector hospitals.

info_icon More information on the HIPE data can be found on the HIPE section here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIPE data methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and vaccination uptake

E.1.37. Immunisation for human papillomavirus

search_icon Key terms: immunisation, HPV, students

Indicator E.1.37. illustrates the percentage uptake of students in second level schools (or age equivalent in special schools and home schooled) in Ireland for at least two doses of the Human PapillomaVirus (HPV) vaccine by sex, for reference academic years 2014/15 - 2021/22.

Note on the HPV vaccine uptake and coverage

HPV vaccination was administered to only female students for the academic years 2014/15-2018/19. For the academic years 2019/2020 onwards, the HPV vaccine was administered to both female and male students.

In November 2022, the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) updated their advice about the number of HPV vaccine doses young people need to receive. People with healthy immune systems now only need to receive one dose of the HPV vaccine. The NIAC recommends that people who are immunocompromised, due to having a weak immune system, will need to receive three doses of the HPV vaccine.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) online reports. The HPSC report name for this data is “HPV/Tdap/MenC/MenACWY uptake statistics”.

info_icon More information on the HPSC can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HPSC data practices and methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and vaccination uptake

E.1.38. Children at 24 months who have received the MMR vaccine (Measles/Mumps/Rubella) and 3 doses of the 6in1 vaccine (Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis/Hib/Polio/Hepatitis B)

search_icon Key terms: children, immunisation, MMR, 6in1

Indicator E.1.38. illustrates the percentage of vaccination uptake by children aged 12 months and 24 months in Ireland by type of vaccine, for reference periods 2021-Q2 - 2023-Q2.

Percentage vaccination uptake by children at 12 months by type of vaccine: reference period 2021-Q2 - 2023-Q2
Vaccine type 2021-Q2 2021-Q3 2021-Q4 2022-Q1 2022-Q2 2022-Q3 2022-Q4 2023-Q1 2023-Q2
BCG 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 NA NA NA 0.03
D3T3 83.28 87.35 87.76 87.89 86.90 87.0 86.1 85.6 84.60
P3 83.28 87.35 87.76 87.89 86.90 87.0 86.1 85.6 84.60
HIB3 83.28 87.35 87.76 87.89 86.90 87.0 86.1 85.6 84.60
POLIO3 83.28 87.35 87.76 87.89 86.90 87.0 86.1 85.6 84.60
HepB3 83.27 87.35 87.74 87.87 86.90 87.0 86.1 85.6 84.60
MenB2 88.64 91.24 91.41 91.48 90.30 90.8 90.6 89.9 89.10
MenC1 83.25 87.32 87.86 87.87 86.60 87.0 86.4 85.8 84.70
PCV2 83.18 87.20 87.71 87.75 86.50 86.8 86.3 85.5 84.50
Rota2 86.06 88.53 89.04 89.14 87.20 88.1 88.1 87.4 86.40
Percentage vaccination uptake by children at 24 months by type of vaccine: reference period 2021-Q2 - 2023-Q2
Vaccine type 2021-Q2 2021-Q3 2021-Q4 2022-Q1 2022-Q2 2022-Q3 2022-Q4 2023-Q1 2023-Q2
D3T3 93.06 93.32 93.49 92.48 92.00 92.95 93.33 92.50 92.4
P3 93.06 93.32 93.49 92.48 92.00 92.95 93.33 92.50 92.4
HIB3 93.06 93.32 93.48 92.48 92.00 92.95 93.30 92.50 92.4
POLIO3 93.07 93.32 93.49 92.48 92.00 92.95 93.33 92.50 92.4
HepB3 93.05 93.31 93.47 92.46 92.00 92.92 93.30 92.40 92.4
HIB4 85.36 85.23 86.48 84.67 82.00 83.35 82.20 81.60 80.8
HIBb 87.16 87.92 89.53 86.92 85.40 87.05 86.73 85.90 86.6
MenB2 1.02 1.25 1.31 1.31 1.28 1.18 1.14 1.25 1.7
MenB3 88.84 89.14 89.78 88.76 87.90 88.79 88.62 88.00 87.6
MenB complete 89.52 90.61 91.43 90.68 90.30 91.09 91.18 90.60 90.8
MenC2 84.67 84.44 86.36 83.98 82.00 83.05 82.19 81.50 80.6
MenCb 86.38 87.35 88.86 86.44 84.90 86.35 86.30 85.30 85.9
PCV3 84.17 84.97 86.84 84.50 82.80 83.98 83.79 82.10 82.2
PCVb 85.82 86.39 88.15 85.81 84.30 85.43 85.42 84.40 84.6
Rota2 90.36 90.60 91.09 90.50 89.60 90.45 91.33 90.60 89.2
MMR1 89.51 90.07 90.89 89.73 88.80 89.81 89.70 89.20 89.2

The data source of this indicator is the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) online reports. The HPSC report name for this data is “Immunisation uptake in Ireland at 12 and 24 months of age”.

info_icon More information on the HPSC can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HPSC data practices and methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and vaccination uptake

E.1.39. Overall daily volume of antibiotics prescribed in primary care (DDDs) per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: daily volume, antibiotics, prescriptions, primary care

Indicator E.1.39. illustrates the overall daily volume of antibiotics that is prescribed in primary care per 1,000 persons, based on the ATC/DDD calculation method by Major Antimicrobial Class (AMC) in Ireland, for reference years 2020-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Protection Surveillance Center (HPSC). The HPSC data is based on administrative data submitted by hospitals.

info_icon More information on the HPSC can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HPSC data practices and methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and prescription of antibiotics

E.1.40. Overall daily volume of opioids prescribed in primary care (DDDs) per 1,000 population aged 18 and over

search_icon Key terms: daily volume, opioids, prescriptions, primary care

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E.1.41. Prescriptions of high-risk drugs (e.g. opioids, benzodiazepines)

search_icon Key terms: prescriptions, high-risk drugs, opioids, benzodiazepines, older persons

Indicator E.1.41. illustrates the long-term use of benzodiazepines and related drugs (≥ 365 DDDs/Days per year) as a proportion per 1,000 persons aged 65 and over, and the use of long-acting benzodiazepines as a proportion per 1,000 persons aged 65 and over, by sex in Ireland, for reference years 2014-2021. The second part of this indicator illustrates the proportion of the population who are chronic opioid users per 1,000 persons, by sex in Ireland, for reference years 2016-2021.

Notes on data

The below data refers only to publicly reimbursed prescribed medication.

While the term “high-risk drugs” is an overarching concept, the three sub-indicators below are included due to being available under the OECD healthcare quality methodology.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD “Health Care Quality Indicators” online data table.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Care Quality can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted towards medicine management

E.1.42. Overall daily volume of antibiotics consumed (DDDs) per 1,000 population in primary care

search_icon Key terms: daily volume, antibiotics, consumption, primary care

Indicator E.1.42. illustrates the overall daily volume of antibiotics consumed in primary care per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2013-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) Public MicroB Surveillance Reports.

info_icon More information on the HPSC can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HPSC Public MicroB Surveillance reports in primary care methodology.

Policies adopted to control antibiotic consumption

E.1.43. Overall daily volume of antibiotics consumed (DDDs) per 100 bed days used in the hospital sector

search_icon Key terms: daily volume, antibiotics, consumption, hospital sector, bed days used

Indicator E.1.43. illustrates the overall daily volume of antibiotics consumed in the hospital sector per 100 bed days used in Ireland, for reference years 2013-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) Public MicroB Surveillance Reports.

info_icon More information on the HPSC can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HPSC Public MicroB Surveillance reports in acute hospitals methodology.

Policies adopted to control antibiotic consumption

E.2. Safety

E.2.1. Medication incidents as reported to NIMS that were classified as major or extreme

search_icon Key terms: medication incidents, NIMS

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E.2.2. Slip, trip or fall incidents as reported to NIMS that were classified as major or extreme

search_icon Key terms: serious incidents, NIMS, slips, trips, falls

Indicator E.2.2. illustrates the number and distribution of serious (i.e. major or extreme) incidents reported by the care sector where the incident occurred at in Ireland, for reference year 2023.

Number of serious incidents reported by care sector: reference year 2023
Year Indicator Sector Unit Value
2023 Serious incidents reported Total healthcare facilities Number 933
2023 Serious incidents reported Acute hospitals Number 562
2023 Serious incidents reported Community healthcare Number 371

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Performance Profile Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

E.2.3. Preventable injuries (e.g. falls, medication, wrong site)

search_icon Key terms: preventable injuries, falls, medication, wrong site

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E.2.4. In-hospital adverse events per 100,000 hospital discharges

search_icon Key terms: in-hospital, adverse events, hospital discharges

Indicator E.2.4. illustrates the rate of adverse events per 100,000 hospital discharges, by type of adverse event, among patients aged 15 and over in Ireland, for reference years 2009-2022.

Definition of adverse events

An adverse event is when a patient experiences adverse and temporary harm as a result of medical care or in a health care setting. These events can be the result of errors, substandard care, known side effects, or unexpected complications that may not have been preventable.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

E.2.5. Foreign bodies left in patient during procedure per 100,000 hospital discharges

search_icon Key terms: foreign bodies, procedure, patient, hospital discharges

Indicator E.2.5. illustrates the rate of foreign bodies left in patients during surgical procedure per 100,000 hospital discharges, among patients aged 15 and over in Ireland, for reference years 2009-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD “Health Care Quality Indicators” online data table.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Care Quality can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

E.2.6. Hospitalised patients with at least one healthcare associated infection (e.g. in-hospital pneumonia, hospital acquired COVID-19 )

search_icon Key terms: hospitalised patients, healthcare associated infection

Indicator E.2.6. illustrates the number of new cases of hospital acquired infections (HCAI) by type of infection (i.e. Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) bloodstream infection, Clostridioides difficile (C. defficile) infection and Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales (CPE) infection) in Ireland, for reference period Oct-21 - Sep-23.

Number of new cases of hospital acquired infections by type: reference period Oct-21 - Sep-23
Month-Year Staphylococcus aureus Clostridioides difficile Carbapenemase-producing enterobacterales
Oct-21 29 61 81
Nov-21 31 71 65
Dec-21 25 69 63
Jan-22 37 76 54
Feb-22 24 65 57
Mar-22 29 50 52
Apr-22 29 67 69
May-22 31 66 53
Jun-22 37 69 64
Jul-22 35 81 95
Aug-22 39 70 100
Sep-22 26 67 82
Oct-22 31 81 102
Nov-22 30 86 76
Dec-22 30 62 70
Jan-23 21 80 84
Feb-23 30 59 61
Mar-23 26 73 64
Apr-23 28 66 80
May-23 28 69 61
Jun-23 28 73 88
Jul-23 29 76 99
Aug-23 26 59 100
Sep-23 23 50 94

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

E.2.7. Long-term care facility residents with at least one healthcare associated infection

search_icon Key terms: long-term care, residents, healthcare associated infection

Indicator E.2.7. illustrates the distribution of persons in long-term residential care participating in the Healthcare-Associated Infections & Antimicrobial Use in Long-Term Care Facilities (HALT) survey, having acquired at least one healthcare acquired infection (HCAI) by location of acquisition and type of infection in Ireland, for reference year 2016.

Distribution of healthcare acquired infections among surveyed long-term care residents by location and type: reference year 2016
Year Location of Acquired Infection Type of Infection Percent of study
2016 Long Term Care Residence Total 4.39
2016 Long Term Care Residence Respiratory Tract Infection 1.49
2016 Long Term Care Residence Urinary Tract Infection 1.49
2016 Long Term Care Residence Skin Infections 1.10
2016 Long Term Care Residence Other 1.63
2016 Hospital Total 0.39
2016 Hospital Respiratory Tract Infection 0.11
2016 Hospital Urinary Tract Infection 0.11
2016 Hospital Skin Infections 0.01
2016 Hospital Other 0.16

The data source of this indicator is the Point Prevalence Survey of Healthcare-Associated Infections & Antimicrobial Use in Long-Term Care Facilities (HALT) administered by the Health Protection Surveillance Center (HPSC).

info_icon More information on the HPSC can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HALT Survey’s methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

E.2.8. Hospitalized patients with at least one risk factor for healthcare associated infections

search_icon Key terms: hospitalised patients, healthcare associated infection, risk factor

Indicator E.2.8. illustrates the distribution of hospitalised persons participating in the Acute Care Hospitals survey, having at least one risk factor for healthcare associated infection by type of risk factor in Ireland, for reference year 2017.

Distribution of surveyed hospitalised patients with at least one risk factor for hospital acquired infection by type of risk factor: reference year 2017
Year Risk Factor Percent of study
2017 Surgery since admission 18
2017 Central vascular catheter 49
2017 Peripheral vascular catheter 8
2017 Urethral catheter 13
2017 Intubation 2

The data source of this indicator is the Point Prevalence Survey of Hospital-Acquired Infections & Antimicrobial Use in European Acute Care Hospitals administered by the Health Protection Surveillance Center (HPSC).

info_icon More information on the HPSC can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the survey’s methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

E.2.9. Long-term care facility residents with at least one risk factor for healthcare associated infections

search_icon Key terms: long-term care, residents, healthcare associated infection, risk factor

Indicator E.2.9. illustrates the distribution of long-term care residents participating in the HALT survey, having at least one risk factor for healthcare associated infection by type of risk factor in Ireland, for reference year 2016.

Distribution of surveyed long-term care residents with at least one risk factor for healthcare acquired infection by type of risk factor: reference year 2016
Year Risk Factor Percent of study
2016 Urinary Catheter 7
2016 Vascular Catheter 1
2016 Pressure Sores 3
2016 Other Wounds 9
2016 Surgery (< 30 Days) 2

The data source of this indicator is the Point Prevalence Survey of Healthcare-Associated Infections & Antimicrobial Use in Long-Term Care Facilities (HALT) administered by the Health Protection Surveillance Center (HPSC).

info_icon More information on the HPSC can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HALT Survey’s methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

E.2.10. [Indicator for development]

search_icon Key terms: [under development]

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E.2.11. [Indicator for development]

search_icon Key terms: [under development]

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E.2.12. Secondary care providers having implemented plans for the national clinical guidelines for clinical handover

search_icon Key terms: secondary care, implementations, national clinical guidelines, clinical handover

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E.2.13. Acute hospitals having implemented requirements for CPE guidelines

search_icon Key terms: acute hospitals, implementation, requirements, CPE guidelines

Indicator E.2.13. illustrates the percentage of acute hospitals implementing the requirements for screening of patients with Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacterales (CPE) guidelines in Ireland, for reference quarters 2021-Q3-2023-Q3.

Percentage of acute hospitals implementing CPE screening: reference quarters 2021-Q3 - 2023-Q3
Quarter Indicator Unit Value
2021-Q3 Acute hospitals implementing requirements for screening patients for CPE Percent 93.8
2021-Q4 Acute hospitals implementing requirements for screening patients for CPE Percent 91.7
2022-Q1 Acute hospitals implementing requirements for screening patients for CPE Percent 89.6
2022-Q2 Acute hospitals implementing requirements for screening patients for CPE Percent 95.8
2022-Q3 Acute hospitals implementing requirements for screening patients for CPE Percent 79.2
2022-Q4 Acute hospitals implementing requirements for screening patients for CPE Percent 89.6
2023-Q1 Acute hospitals implementing requirements for screening patients for CPE Percent 85.4
2023-Q2 Acute hospitals implementing requirements for screening patients for CPE Percent 95.8
2023-Q3 Acute hospitals implementing requirements for screening patients for CPE Percent 72.9

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient experience

E.2.14. Hospitals having NEWS (National Early Warning System) implemented in all clinical areas of acute hospitals and single specialty hospitals

search_icon Key terms: acute hospitals, implementation, NEWS, warning system

Indicator E.2.14. illustrates the percentage of hospitals implementing Irish National Early Warning Systems (INEWS) in all clinical areas of acute hospitals (as per 2019 definition) in Ireland, for reference quarters 2021-Q3-2023-Q3.

Percentage of acute hospitals implementing INEWS in all clinical areas: reference quarters 2021-Q3 - 2023-Q3
Quarter Indicator Unit Value
2021-Q3 Acute hospitals implementing INEWS in all clinical areas Percent 31.3
2021-Q4 Acute hospitals implementing INEWS in all clinical areas Percent 37.5
2022-Q1 Acute hospitals implementing INEWS in all clinical areas Percent 43.8
2022-Q2 Acute hospitals implementing INEWS in all clinical areas Percent 52.1
2022-Q3 Acute hospitals implementing INEWS in all clinical areas Percent 43.8
2022-Q4 Acute hospitals implementing INEWS in all clinical areas Percent 58.3
2023-Q1 Acute hospitals implementing INEWS in all clinical areas Percent 45.8
2023-Q2 Acute hospitals implementing INEWS in all clinical areas Percent 45.8
2023-Q3 Acute hospitals implementing INEWS in all clinical areas Percent 37.5

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient experience

E.2.15. Hospitals having PEWS (Peadiatric Early Warning System) implemented

search_icon Key terms: acute hospitals, implementation, PEWS, warning system, paediatric

Indicator E.2.15. illustrates the percentage of hospitals implementing Pediatric Early Warning System (PEWS) in Ireland, for reference quarters 2021-Q3-2023-Q3.

Percentage of hospitals implementing PEWS: reference quarters 2021-Q3 - 2023-Q3
Quarter Indicator Unit Value
2021-Q3 Hospitals implementing PEWS Percent 37.0
2021-Q4 Hospitals implementing PEWS Percent 40.7
2022-Q1 Hospitals implementing PEWS Percent 48.1
2022-Q2 Hospitals implementing PEWS Percent 48.1
2022-Q3 Hospitals implementing PEWS Percent 37.0
2022-Q4 Hospitals implementing PEWS Percent 55.6
2023-Q1 Hospitals implementing PEWS Percent 55.6
2023-Q2 Hospitals implementing PEWS Percent 57.7
2023-Q3 Hospitals implementing PEWS Percent 42.3

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient experience

E.2.16. Services achieving a low rating in HIQA inspections that require intervention

search_icon Key terms: services, HIQA, rating, intervention

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E.2.17. Overall perception of patients’ safety

search_icon Key terms: patient safety, perception

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E.2.18. Eligible staff certified on quality, risk, and safety training in the last 2 years

search_icon Key terms: staff certification, quality, risk, safety, training

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

E.2.19. Median ambulance handover time from ambulance services to care departments

search_icon Key terms: ambulance, handover time

Indicator E.2.19. illustrates the distribution of time taken for ambulance calls to be handed over to a care department by time intervals in Ireland, for reference years 2019-2023.

Notes on ambulance time and data inclusions/exclusions

Ambulance time calculates the time from when the ambulance arrives at the Emergency Department (ED), through clinical handover in ED up until the time the ambulance crew declares readiness to accept another call in line with the process/flow path in the ambulance turnaround framework.

Data includes hospital-bound calls made by the Dublin Fire Brigade.

Data does not distinguish between level of acuity, which might impact handover times for less critical and/or non-time sensitive triage cases.

The data source of this indicator is the National Ambulance Service (NAS), which is Ireland’s statutory pre-hospital emergency and intermediate care provider. The data for this indicator is based on the source’s administrative data.

info_icon More information on the HSE’s NAS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Policies adopted to improve service provision

Processes Dimension

The Processes dimension focuses on the coordination, integration and continuity between various services offered in the national healthcare system. This dimension incorporates the following focusing domains: Continuity, Coordination and Integration.

F. Continuity

The Continuity domain incorporates indicators that asses the completeness of medical records and the efficiency of cross-communication and handover between various healthcare professionals. This domain is further disaggregated into the following subsections:

  • Informational; and

  • Relational.

F.1. Informational

F.1.1. Generalist medical practitioners with complete medical records for all patients

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, medical records

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

F.1.2. Generalist medical practitioners who receive information/notification when their patients have contacted out-of-hours services (including emergency care)

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, notification, out-of-hours, contacts

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

F.1.3. Generalist medical practitioners who receive a report/reply letter back from specialist medical practitioner with all relevant health information

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, reports, specialist practitioner, health information

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

F.1.4. Generalist medical practitioners who coordinate care with social services or other community providers at least once per month

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, coordinate care, social services, community providers

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

F.2. Relational

F.2.1. Turnover of practicing GPs

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, turnover

Indicator F.2.1. illustrates the percentage of general practitioners who; work on a part-time basis, are due to retire in 10 years (i.e. aged 60 and over) and are due to retire in 5 years (i.e. aged 65 and over) in Ireland, for reference years 2019-2023.

Note on GPs in clinical practice on a part-time basis

Percentage of GPs in clinical practice on a part-time basis for 2019 and 2020 is to be considered an estimate as the question was not mandatory. For 2021 onwards, the value can be considered as true due to the question becoming mandatory.

The data source of this indicator is Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP), which is the professional body for general practice in Ireland. The data for this indicator stems from the source’s administrative data.

info_icon More information on the ICGP can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the ICGP’s methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

F.2.2. Communication (handover) between specialists and GPs

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, specialist practitioners, handover, communication

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

F.2.3. Population visiting their usual GP for their common health problems

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, visits, common health problems

Indicator F.2.3. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland that have visited their GP for common health problems in the last 12 months of the reference period, for survey wave and reference years Wave 1 , 2015 up to Wave 9, 2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

G. Coordination

The Coordination domain incorporates indicators that asses the patients’ experiences in receiving support during and after their care, as well as the level of coordination between various health services within the national health system. This domain is further disaggregated into the following subsections:

  • Self-reported; and

  • Transition management.

G.1. Self-reported

G.1.1. Adults supported at home who deem their health and care services to be well coordinated

search_icon Key terms: home support, coordination, satisfaction

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

G.1.2. Carers reporting feeling involved in designing the care and support plan for the person they care for

search_icon Key terms: carers, involvement, care and support plans

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

G.1.3. [Indicator for development]

search_icon Key terms: [under development]

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

G.2. Transition management

G.2.1. Follow-up care after hospital discharge

search_icon Key terms: follow-up, care, hospital discharge

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

G.2.2. Community follow up within the first seven days of discharge from a psychiatric admission

search_icon Key terms: community service, follow-up, discharge, psychiatric

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

G.2.3. Delayed hospital discharge due to being on home care waiting list

search_icon Key terms: hospital discharge, delay, waiting list, home care, transitional care, delayed transfer, funding

Indicator G.2.3. illustrates the number of persons in acute hospitals approved for a “Transitional Care Bed under Delayed Transfer of Care Funding”, and the number of persons discharged from acute hospitals and supported in a “Transitional Care Bed under Delayed Transfer of Care Funding” in Ireland, for reference period Jan-21 - Jul-23.

Notes on data content

The number of persons in acute hospitals approved for a Transitional Care Bed under Delayed Transfer of Care Funding refers to the number of people in acute hospitals who were approved for transitional care in order to move to an alternative care setting during the reporting month who requires long stay care and is waiting for applications to be finalised or patient requiring a period of convalescence before returning home up to a period of maximum 4 weeks.

The number of persons discharged from acute hospitals and supported in a Transitional Care Bed under Delayed Transfer of Care Funding refers to the number of people at a point in time on the last working day of the reported month in receipt of payment of transitional care funding in an alternative care settings.

Data for April 2021 is not available due to the cyber attack.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Policies adopted to improve quality of life among the elderly

G.2.4. Appropriate discharge arrangements in place

search_icon Key terms: discharges, arrangements

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

G.2.5. People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in a pulmonary rehabilitation programme

search_icon Key terms: COPD, rehabilitation programme, pulmonary

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

G.2.6. Referrals to specific services/therapies, which indicated recovery/improvement/deterioration after completing the treatment

search_icon Key terms: referrals, recovery, improvements, deterioration, treatment completion

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

G.2.7. Rehabilitation offers following discharge from hospital

search_icon Key terms: rehabilitation offers, hospital discharge

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

G.2.8. Generalist medical practitioners that received information to continue managing the patient upon discharge within 4 days

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, information, hospital discharge, follow-up

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

G.2.9. Total bed days lost due to delayed transfers of care

search_icon Key terms: bed days, lost, delayed discharge

Indicator G.2.9. illustrates the number of bed days that were lost due to the patient’s delayed transfer of care from hospital in Ireland, for reference period Aug-21 - Sep-23.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

G.2.10. Healthcare professionals involved in an episode of care

search_icon Key terms: healthcare professionals, involvement, care episode

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

H. Integration

The Integration domain incorporates indicators that assess the quality of home care provided, the number of services incorporated in care plans and readmission. This domain is further disaggregated into the following subsections:

  • Care delivery; and

  • Readmission.

H.1. Care delivery

H.1.1. Utilisation of palliative care and end of life services

search_icon Key terms: palliative care, utilisation, services, community, inpatient, hospice, length of stay, end of life, place of death, adults, children

Notes on Palliative care and Specialised Palliative Care services

Palliative care refers to specialised medical care for people living with a serious illness. The aims of this type of care is to provide relief from the symptoms and stress of the illness, and to improve the quality of life for both the patient and family.

Specialised Palliative Care (SPC) refers to the services whose main aim is to provide palliative care for patients with complex and difficult needs, therefore requiring a higher level of education, staff and other resources.

The first part of the indicator H.1.1 will focus on the children in receipt of SPC services in the community in Ireland, by length of service utilisation, for reference years 2022-2023.

The second part of the indicator H.1.1 shows the number of children in receipt of SPC in a hospice care environment, by their age at death in Ireland, for the reference year 2023.

Children receiving SPC in hospice care by age at death: reference year 2023
Year Indicator Age-group Unit Value
2023 Children in hospice care by age at death Younger than 28 days Number (headcount) 3
2023 Children in hospice care by age at death 28 days or older but younger than 1 year Number (headcount) 10
2023 Children in hospice care by age at death 1 year or older but younger than 5 years Number (headcount) 13
2023 Children in hospice care by age at death 5 years or older but younger than 10 years Number (headcount) 8
2023 Children in hospice care by age at death 10 years or older but younger than 18 years Number (headcount) 22

Indicator H.1.1. will now focus on adults making use of SPC services in an acute inpatient setting in Ireland, by length of inpatient care episode, for reference years 2019-2023.

The next section of indicator H.1.1. illustrates the number of adults in receipt of SPC services in a hospice environment in Ireland, by their length of stay, for reference years 2022-2023.

The final section of indicator H.1.1 illustrates the place of death of adults receiving SPC services in the community in Ireland, for reference quarters 2022Q2-2024Q1.

The data source for all the components of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Older Persons Strategy Division. The data is administrative records of people receiving specialist palliative care in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HSE Palliative Care service can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data on SPC community and hospice services for children click here and here.

download_icon For downloading the data on SPC adult inpatients and hospice services for adults click here and here.

download_icon For downloading the data on place of death for adult SPC recipients click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

H.1.2. Adults with intensive needs that are receiving care at home

search_icon Key terms: intensive needs, care, home, palliative

Indicator H.1.2. currently focuses on the number of persons receiving Specialist Palliative Care Services (SPCSs) in their own home in Ireland, for reference period Jan-21-Apr-24.

Notes on Palliative care and Specialised Palliative Care services

Palliative care refers to specialised medical care for people living with a serious illness. The aims of this type of care is to provide relief from the symptoms and stress of the illness, and to improve the quality of life for both the patient and family.

Specialised Palliative Care (SPC) refers to the services whose main aim is to provide palliative care for patients with complex and difficult needs, therefore requiring a higher level of education, staff and other resources.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Older Persons Strategy Division. The data is administrative records of places of death of people receiving specialist palliative care in the community in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HSE Palliative Care service can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

H.1.3. Persons with certain chronic diseases that are receiving care at home

search_icon Key terms: chronic diseases, palliative, care, home

Indicator H.1.3. currently focuses on the number of persons with a chronic condition receiving Specialist Palliative Care Services (SPCSs) in their home by type of condition in Ireland, for reference months 04-2022 - 04-2024.

Notes on Palliative care and Specialised Palliative Care services

Palliative care refers to specialised medical care for people living with a serious illness. The aims of this type of care is to provide relief from the symptoms and stress of the illness, and to improve the quality of life for both the patient and family.

Specialised Palliative Care (SPC) refers to the services whose main aim is to provide palliative care for patients with complex and difficult needs, therefore requiring a higher level of education, staff and other resources.

Notes on non-cancer type

Non-cancer type refers to other chronic conditions not related to cancer diseases, such as; cardiac disease, end-stage dementia, respiratory disease, neurological disease, etc.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Older Persons Strategy Division. The data is administrative records of places of death of people receiving specialist palliative care in the community in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HSE Palliative Care service can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

H.2. Readmission

H.2.1. Bed days used for ambulatory care sensitive conditions

search_icon Key terms: bed days, ambulatory care, sensitive conditions

Indicator H.2.1. illustrates the number of inpatient discharges, number of bad days and average length of stay of these patients whose admission was related to an Ambulatory Care Sensitive Condition (ACSC) in Ireland, for reference years 2016-2021.

Notes on Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSCs)

Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSCs) refers to conditions for which hospitalisation can be avoidable with timely public health interventions and early disease management, especially at primary care level. High rates of hospital admissions for ACSCs may indicate problems with; access to primary healthcare, inadequate resources, or lack of coordination with other services.

Conditions considered to be ACSCs refers to the hospital admissions with the following principal diagnosis: influenza and pneumonia, other vaccine preventable, dehydration and gastroenteritis, convulsions and epilepsy, ear/nose/throat infections, dental conditions, perforated or bleeding ulcer, pyelonephritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, cellulitis, gangrene, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, diabetic complications, nutritional deficiencies, iron deficiency anemia, hypertension, angina.

Same day inpatients (i.e. patients discharged on the same day of admission) are assigned a 0.5 weight in bed days. For overnight inpatients (i.e. patients discharged on the day after admission) a weight of 1 bed day is assigned.

Figures include only inpatient discharges from public hospitals included in the Hospital Groups, excludes daycases and excludes admissions who are residents outside of Ireland.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthcare Pricing Office, Hospital Inpatient Enquiry (HIPE). The HIPE data is based on administrative inpatient data submitted by hospitals.

info_icon More information on the HIPE data can be found on the HIPE section here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIPE data methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

H.2.2. Readmission related to mental illness

search_icon Key terms: admission, readmission, mental illness, psychiatric

Indicator H.2.2. illustrates the number of re-admissions in psychiatric units/hospitals or continuing care units in Ireland, for reference years 2002-2022.

Note on data inclusion

The data presented here relates to admissions to public and private psychiatric units and hospitals, including acute psychiatric units within general hospitals, psychiatric hospitals/continuing care units, independent/private and private charitable centers.

The data source of this indicator is the National Psychiatric Inpatient Reporting System (NPIRS) which is compiled by the Health Research Board (HRB). The data is collated from administrative admissions records.

info_icon More information on the NPIRS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the NPIRS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve mental health

H.2.3. Readmission related to emergency care provision

search_icon Key terms: readmission, emergency care

Indicator H.2.3. illustrates the number and percentage of emergency readmissions for acute medical conditions to the same hospital within 30 days of discharge in Ireland, for reference period Sep-21-Aug-23.

Number and percentage of emergency medical readmissions within 30 days of discharge: reference period Sep-21 - Aug-23
Month-Year Indicator Unit Value
Sep-21 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 10.3
Oct-21 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 10.3
Nov-21 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 10.4
Dec-21 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 10.6
Jan-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 10.8
Feb-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 10.4
Mar-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 9.9
Apr-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 9.9
May-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 10.6
Jun-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 10.4
Jul-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 11.1
Aug-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 11.0
Sep-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 10.6
Oct-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 10.5
Nov-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 10.7
Dec-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 12.1
Jan-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 11.8
Feb-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 11.8
Mar-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 11.6
Apr-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 11.4
May-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 11.8
Jun-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 12.1
Jul-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 12.3
Aug-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Percent 12.4
Sep-21 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2365.0
Oct-21 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2557.0
Nov-21 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2234.0
Dec-21 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2524.0
Jan-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2473.0
Feb-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2086.0
Mar-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2309.0
Apr-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2242.0
May-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2451.0
Jun-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2477.0
Jul-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2767.0
Aug-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2384.0
Sep-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2498.0
Oct-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2525.0
Nov-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2435.0
Dec-22 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 3110.0
Jan-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2741.0
Feb-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2699.0
Mar-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 3077.0
Apr-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2876.0
May-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 2884.0
Jun-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 3187.0
Jul-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 3228.0
Aug-23 Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge for acute medical conditions Number 3326.0

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

H.2.4. Readmission related to surgical care

search_icon Key terms: readmission, surgical care

Indicator H.2.4. illustrates the number and percentage of surgical readmissions to the same hospital within 30 days of discharge in Ireland, for reference period Sep-21-Aug-23.

Number and percentage of surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge: reference period Sep-21 - Aug-23
Month-Year Indicator Unit Value
Sep-21 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.6
Oct-21 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.6
Nov-21 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.5
Dec-21 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.3
Jan-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.7
Feb-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.6
Mar-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.4
Apr-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.4
May-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.4
Jun-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.5
Jul-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.5
Aug-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.6
Sep-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.5
Oct-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.5
Nov-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.5
Dec-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.4
Jan-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.6
Feb-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.4
Mar-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.5
Apr-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.5
May-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.5
Jun-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.6
Jul-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.7
Aug-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Percent 1.6
Sep-21 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 467.0
Oct-21 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 530.0
Nov-21 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 419.0
Dec-21 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 445.0
Jan-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 449.0
Feb-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 375.0
Mar-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 430.0
Apr-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 419.0
May-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 421.0
Jun-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 482.0
Jul-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 512.0
Aug-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 503.0
Sep-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 529.0
Oct-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 531.0
Nov-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 486.0
Dec-22 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 565.0
Jan-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 466.0
Feb-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 369.0
Mar-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 559.0
Apr-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 540.0
May-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 455.0
Jun-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 584.0
Jul-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 623.0
Aug-23 Surgical readmissions within 30 days of discharge Number 542.0

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Services adopted aimed to improve patient safety

H.2.5. Professional medical hours saved by better integration of services and sharing of data

search_icon Key terms: medical hours integration, data sharing

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

H.2.6. Persons accessing a service following referral by a GP, public health nurse, or other healthcare professional

search_icon Key terms: access, referral

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

H.2.7. Range of services involved in the delivery of care plans

search_icon Key terms: services, involvement, delivery, care plans

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

H.2.8. Number of handovers/appointments

search_icon Key terms: handovers, appointments

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

H.2.9. Patient record coverage (end-to-end)

search_icon Key terms: record coverage

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

Structures Dimension

The Structures dimension focuses on the workforce, the digitalization of health services and the technologies invested and adopted to enhance and update the national healthcare system. This dimension incorporates the following focusing domains: Finances, Health Information Systems, Health Services Structures, Health Technologies and Health Workforce.

I. Finances

The Finances domain incorporates indicators that assesses the level of financing and reimbursement schemes, as well as the investment put towards research and development (R&D) in the national health system. This domain is further disaggregated into the following subsections:

  • Expenditure;

  • Reimbursement mechanisms; and

  • Investment in R&D.

I.1. Expenditure

I.1.1. Total health expenditure by financing schemes

search_icon Key terms: health expenditure, financing schemes

Indicator I.1.1. illustrates the amount (in Euros million) of total health expenditure by the type of financing schemes in Ireland, for the reference years 2010-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD “Revenues of health care financing schemes” online data table.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

I.1.2. Current health and social care expenditure by financing scheme

search_icon Key terms: current, health expenditure, social care expenditure, financing schemes

Indicator I.1.2. illustrates the amount (in Euros million) of the current health expenditure by the type of financing schemes in Ireland, for the reference years 2011-2020.

The data source of this indicator is the System of Health Accounts (SHA) which is compiled and hosted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is based on Ireland’s National Accounts compilation.

info_icon More information on the SHA can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the SHA methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

I.1.3. Health expenditure as share of the GNI

search_icon Key terms: health expenditure, modified GNI,

Indicator I.1.3. illustrates the health expenditure as a proportion of the modified Gross National Income (GNI*) of Ireland, for the reference years 2000-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the System of Health Accounts (SHA) which is compiled and hosted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is based on Ireland’s National Accounts compilation.

info_icon More information on the SHA can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the SHA methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

I.1.4. Health expenditure as share of the GDP

search_icon Key terms: health expenditure, GDP

Indicator I.1.4. illustrates the health expenditure as a proportion of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Ireland, for the reference years 2000-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the System of Health Accounts (SHA) which is compiled and hosted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is based on Ireland’s National Accounts compilation.

info_icon More information on the SHA can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the SHA methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

I.1.5. Health expenditure, purchasing power parity (in USD) per capita

search_icon Key terms: health expenditure, purchasing power parity, PPP, USD, international comparison

Indicator I.1.5. illustrates the real health expenditure in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in US dollars (USD, million) for Ireland, for the reference year 2022. A comparison with other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries is also included for the same reference year whenever available.

Note on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)

The PPP is an economic measure that compares different countries’ currencies/expenditure through a “basket of goods” approach, taking into consideration exchange rates. For example, two countries are considered at par when a basket of goods is priced the same in both countries after converting to one common currency.

In this indicator, Ireland’s health expenditure is being compared with other OECD countries’ health expenditure, using the USD($) currency as the common currency.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD online data tables entitled “Health expenditure and financing”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

I.1.6. Health expenditure from public sources as share of total government expenditure

search_icon Key terms: health expenditure, public sources, government expenditure

Indicator I.1.6. illustrates the health expenditure from public sources (in Euros million) in comparison to the total government expenditure in Ireland, for the reference years 2016-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD “Health expenditure and financing” online data table.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

I.1.7. Health expenditure from public sources as share of total health expenditure

search_icon Key terms: health expenditure, public sources

Indicator I.1.7. illustrates the health expenditure from public sources (in Euros million) in comparison to the total health expenditure in Ireland, by function for the reference years 2016-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD “Annual government expenditure by function (COFOG)” online data table.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

I.1.8. Government and compulsory insurance spending on Long-Term Care

search_icon Key terms: government, compulsory, insurance spending, long-term care

Indicator I.1.8. illustrates the spending from government and compulsory insurance on Long-Term Care (LTC) in Ireland, for the reference years 2011-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the OECD “Health expenditure and financing” online data table.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

I.2. Reimbursement mechanisms

I.2.1. Population-based healthcare provision contracts

search_icon Key terms: healthcare, provision, contracts, type of service

Indicator I.2.1. illustrates the number of reimbursement agreements made by type of contractor group in Ireland, for reference years 2011-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Primary Care Reimbursement Service (PCRS) within the Health Services Executive (HSE), which administers these services.

info_icon More information on the HSE PCRS service can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

I.2.2. Persons under a Primary Care Reimbursement Service schemes

search_icon Key terms: primary care reimbursement scheme, PCRS

Indicator I.2.2. illustrates the number of persons eligible for reimbursement schemes by type of scheme in Ireland, for reference years 2011-2022.

Note on reimbursement schemes

The Discretionary cards schemes are a subset of the General Medical Services Cards (GMS) and GP Visit Cards (GPVC) respectively, as indicated in the below graph legend.

A distinction between the eligibility under the GMS Card and the GPVC schemes is made, along with those who make claims under the Drug Payment Scheme or Long Term Illness schemes.

The data source of this indicator is the Primary Care Reimbursement Service (PCRS) within the Health Services Executive (HSE), which administers these services.

info_icon More information on the HSE PCRS service can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

I.2.3. Persons having a Medical/GP visit card that are under a chronic disease management programme

search_icon Key terms: Medical card, GP visit card, chronic disease, management programme

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

I.3. Investment in R&D

I.3.1. Funding dedicated to health R&D as a share of overall apparent government health R&D funding

search_icon Key terms: Funding, R&D, research and development, government funding, health sector

Indicator I.3.1. illustrates the amount (in Euro millions) of Government Budget Allocations for R&D (GBARD) in the Health sector in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2022. A comparison with the total European Union (EU) 27 Member States (country code: EU-27) is also included for the available reference years.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies and departments. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “GBA_NABSFIN07”.

info_icon More information on the GBARD can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the methodology on the compilation of GBARD data.

I.3.2. Healthcare professionals participating in R&D projects

search_icon Key terms: healthcare professionals, participation, R&D, research and development

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

J. Health Information Systems

The Health Information Systems domain incorporates indicators that assess the level and quality of the health system’s registries, as well as their digitalization process. This domain is further disaggregated into the following subsections:

  • Registries; and

  • Digitalization.

J.1. Registries

J.1.1. Number of registries

search_icon Key terms: registries, online, availability

Indicator J.1.1. illustrates the number of health-related registries available online as at the recorded date, for the reference years 2022-2024.

Number of registries avaialble as at recorded date: reference years 2022 - 2024
Year Date as at… Number of registries
2022 31/07/2022 124
2022 31/12/2022 129
2024 30/06/2024 131

The data source of this indicator is the Catalogue of National Health and Social Care Data Collections compiled by Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA). The registries are collected and compiled from various sources.

info_icon More information on the HIQA database catalogue can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about HIQA’s methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

J.1.2. Number of registries with linking features to electronic health records

search_icon Key terms: registries, online, linking

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

Ongoing strategies/policies

J.2. Digitalization

J.2.1. Community health networks using mHealth tools

search_icon Key terms: community networks, mHealth, utilisation

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

Ongoing strategies/policies

K. Health Services Structures

The Health Services Structures domain incorporates indicators that focus on the general infrastructure of the national health system. This domain therefore only includes one subsection:

  • Infrastructure.

K.1. Infrastructure

K.1.1. Number of hospitals per million population

search_icon Key terms: hospitals, private hospitals, public hospitals

Indicator K.1.1. illustrates the number of hospitals (public and private) per million persons in Ireland, for reference years 2016-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the compilation of National Healthcare Statistics by the Department of Health, which collates all of the statistics from official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies, and the private healthcare sector. The data for this indicator stems from the online data tables entitled “Hospitals and hospital beds”.

info_icon More information on the National Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the National healthcare statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

K.1.2. Number of private hospitals per million population

search_icon Key terms: hospitals, private hospitals

Indicator K.1.2. illustrates the number of private hospitals per million persons in Ireland, for reference years 2016-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the compilation of National Healthcare Statistics by the Department of Health, which collates all of the statistics from official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies, and the private healthcare sector. The data for this indicator stems from the online data tables entitled “Hospitals and hospital beds”.

info_icon More information on the National Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the National healthcare statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

K.1.3. Number of publicly owned hospitals per million population

search_icon Key terms: hospitals, public hospitals

Indicator K.1.3. illustrates the number of public hospitals per million persons in Ireland, for reference years 2016-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the compilation of National Healthcare Statistics by the Department of Health, which collates all of the statistics from official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies, and the private healthcare sector. The data for this indicator stems from the online data tables entitled “Hospitals and hospital beds”.

info_icon More information on the National Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the National healthcare statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

K.1.4. Number of community health networks

search_icon Key terms: community health networks, specialist teams, older persons, specialists, chronic disease, intervention

Indicator K.1.4. illustrates the progress of the establishment of community health networks and their specific teams in Ireland, as at Jul-24.


The HSE’s Enhanced Community Care (ECC) programme aims to increase community health services and reduce pressure on hospital services.

Community Healthcare Networks (CHNs) deliver primary healthcare services across Ireland, with each network serving a population of around 50,000 people. They aim to; support people to live more independently in the community, coordinate services to meet health needs, support collaborative working to provide person-centred care and ensure access to services at the right time.

Community Specialist Teams for older people provide support and services based on the needs and choices of older people, such as; rapid access clinics, falls and frailty clinics, memory assessments, nurse-led clinics and therapy-led clinics. Each team serves a population of about 150,000 people.

Community Specialist Teams for chronic disease aim to help people to understand and manage their illness, including providing access to; diagnostics, GP services and specialist supports in the community.

Community Intervention Teams (CITs) provide care to patients with a sudden illness who require enhanced services/acute intervention for a short period of time.

Enhanced Community Care Networks rollout progress: as at Jul-24
Month Indicator Number Target Percentage
Jul-24 Community Healthcare Networks (CHN) 96 96 100.00
Jul-24 Community Specialist Teams for older people 27 30 90.00
Jul-24 Community Specialist Teams for chronic disease 26 30 86.67
Jul-24 Community Intervention Teams 21 N/A N/A

The data source of this indicator is the HSE Enhanced Community Care (ECC) programme, which is a plan being rolled out to increase community care in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HSE Community Care plan can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the the HSE Community Care statistics.

Health services provisions and accessibility

K.1.5. Community pharmacies per 100,000 population

search_icon Key terms: community pharmacies, international comparison

Indicator K.1.5. illustrates the number of community pharmacies per 100,000 persons in Ireland, for reference year 2021. A comparison with the OECD countries’ average (country code: OECD), and other comparable countries is also included for the same reference year.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

K.1.6. Beds in publicly owned hospitals per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: public hospitals, beds

Indicator K.1.6. illustrates the number of beds available per 1,000 persons in publicly owned hospitals in Ireland by type of bed setting, for reference years 2019-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

K.1.7. Total hospital beds per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: hospitals, beds

Indicator K.1.7. illustrates the number of available hospital beds, in both public and private hospitals, per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_bds1”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

K.1.8. Total acute hospital beds per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: acute, hospitals, beds

Indicator K.1.8. illustrates the number of available hospital beds, in both public and private hospitals, for curative (i.e. acute) care per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_bds1”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

K.1.9. Total ICU beds per 100,000 population

search_icon Key terms: intensive care, ICU, hospitals, beds

Indicator K.1.9. illustrates the number of adult ICU beds, in both public and private hospitals, per 100,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2019-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

K.1.10. Total rehabilitation hospital beds per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: rehabilitation, hospitals, beds

Indicator K.1.10. illustrates the number of available hospital beds for rehabilitation care, in both public and private hospitals, per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_bds1”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

K.1.11. Total long-term care beds per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: long-term care, hospitals, beds

Indicator K.1.11. illustrates the number of available hospital beds for Long-Term Care (LTC), in both public and private hospitals, per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_bds1”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

K.1.12. Total long-term care beds per 1,000 population aged 65 and over

search_icon Key terms: long-term care, hospitals, beds, older people

Indicator K.1.12. illustrates the number of available hospital beds for Long-Term Care (LTC), in both public and private hospitals, per 1,000 persons aged 65 and over in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_bds1”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

K.1.13. Psychiatric care beds per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: psychiatric, hospitals, beds

Indicator K.1.13. illustrates the number of available hospital beds for psychiatric care, in both public and private hospitals, per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_bds1”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility and Policies adopted to improve mental health

Based on successive mental health policies, investment in community mental health services has been made over the past decade. This investment focused mostly on increasing human resources within the community mental health services teams, where over the past 10 years, the number of these teams was consistently increasing. This increase in community service provision has brought with it the resultant closure of ‘long stay’ institutionalised beds, while continuing to support and develop acute treatment beds.

K.1.14. Other hospital beds per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: other, hospitals, beds

Indicator K.1.14. illustrates the number of available hospital beds used for other types of care not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) here, in both public and private hospitals, per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_bds1”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

L. Health Technologies

The Health Technologies domain incorporates indicators that evaluate the availability of online services and the investment in medical technology and equipment in the national health system. This domain therefore only includes one subsection:

  • Use and uptake of technologies.

L.1. Use and uptake of technologies

L.1.1. Medical technology investment in hospital care (Euros million)

search_icon Key terms: medical technology, investment, hospital care

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

L.1.2. Medical technology investment in ambulatory care (Euros million)

search_icon Key terms: medical technology, investment, ambulatory care

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

L.1.3. High level medical technology investment per million population

search_icon Key terms: medical technology, investment

Indicator L.1.3. illustrates the number of high level equipment (i.e. CT scanners, MRI units, Radiotherapy equipment and Mammography machines) invested in for the respective year per million persons in Ireland, for the reference years 2010-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

L.1.4. Investment of MRI scanners by type of setting per million population

search_icon Key terms: investment, MRI scanners, setting type, investment

Indicator L.1.4. illustrates the number of MRI units invested in for the respective year per million persons in Ireland by type of health care setting, for the reference years 2010-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

L.1.5. GP practices with ability to book appointments online

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, online booking systems, appointments

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

Ongoing strategies/policies

L.1.6. GP practices with ability to conduct virtual consultations

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, virtual consultations systems, international comparison

Indicator L.1.6. illustrates the percentage of persons aged 16 and over having received medical services via telemedicine in Ireland, for reference years 2020-2021. A comparison with the average 22 OECD countries (country code: OECD22) is also included for the same reference years.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

L.1.7. GP practices with ability to order repeat prescriptions online

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, repeat prescriptions systems

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

Ongoing strategies/policies

The National ePrescribing Project establishes a single source for prescribing and dispensing information for every patient in Ireland. This will facilitate safer prescribing and dispensing of medicines through automated and better access to medicines information, as well as facilitate patient knowledge of their medicines. More information on this project can be found here.

L.1.8. Primary care physician offices using electronic medical records

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, primary care, physicians, access, medical records, service users, international comparison

Indicator L.1.8. illustrates the percentage of primary care physician offices making use of electronic medical records in Ireland, for reference year 2021. A comparison with the average 21 OECD countries (country code: OECD21) and the United Kingdom is also included for the same reference year.

The data source of this indicator is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies, the public health department and its agencies. The data for this indicator stems from the annual OECD publication entitled “Health at a Glance”.

info_icon More information on the OECD Health at a Glance can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the OECD health statistics methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

L.1.9. Performance of health technology assessments

search_icon Key terms: health technology, assessments, performance, NCPE, HIQA, HTAs

The first part of the indicator L.1.9. illustrates the number of completed Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) in Ireland by the National Centre of Pharmaeconomics (NCPE), for the reference years 2018-2023.

Notes on inclusion of data

The NCPE is commissioned by the Health Service Executive (HSE) to undertake HTAs on drugs for which reimbursement by the HSE is sought in Ireland. All drugs are subject to a Rapid Review assessment, following which approximately 50% of all new drugs require a more in-depth full HTA evaluation.

The COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Reviews of treatments for COVID-19 were conducted by the NCPE from 2020 following a request from the HSE. These evidence reviews were used to inform decision making within the HSE at a time where there was rapidly emerging evidence.

Upon completion of a HTA, the NCPE provides recommendations to the HSE which are considered alongside other criteria specified in the Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) Act 2013. The HSE is ultimately responsible for decisions regarding the reimbursement of new drugs.

The NCPE collaborates with other agencies across Europe to conduct HTAs. The European Collaborative HTAs aim for sustainable access to, and appropriate use of medicines in the participating EU member state countries. Ongoing collaborations with EU member states focus on supporting the future EU HTA system under the HTA Regulation through joint clinical assessments, procedures and guidelines.

The data are not reflective of other HTA-related work conducted by the NCPE, including; patient and clinician consultations, assessments of cost effectiveness and budget impact on the basis of commercial offers, National Hepatitis C Treatment Registry reports, published national methodology guidelines, or published EU HTA methodology guidelines, as collation of this data is ongoing.

The data source of the first section of this indicator is the National Centre of Pharmaeconomics (NCPE), which is responsible for conducting Health Technology Assessments related to pharmaceuticals in Ireland. The data for this indicator stems from the NCPE’s administrative sources.

info_icon More information on the NCPE can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the NCPE’s assessments process.

The second part of the indicator L.1.9. illustrates the number of completed versions Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) in Ireland by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), for the reference years 2016-2023.

Notes on inclusion of data

HIQA is national authority that undertakes HTAs as part of their operations, covering a range of fields, from: clinical effectiveness and safety, cost-effectiveness and budget impact, organisational and social aspects, and ethical and legal issues. The information is collected and presented in a systematic, unbiased and transparent manner, with the purpose to inform decision-making in order to promote an equitable, efficient, and high-quality health system.

A Full HTA is a multidisciplinary process that uses explicit methods to determine the value of a health technology at different points in its lifecycle. It examines all (or most) domains of the EUNetHTA Core Model.

In contrast, a Rapid HTA examines only a number of domains of the EUNetHTA Core Model.

A Protocol is a document that describes the plan for a research project.

A Statement of Outcomes presents the information gathered from public consultation and how this information was used to inform the HTA.

A HTA Guideline/Guidance outlines the principles and methods used in assessing health technologies.

The Other Evidence Synthesis includes systematic reviews, rapid reviews, scoping reviews and other types of analyses, while the Other category includes other types of documents (such as presentations, etc.).

Between 2020 and 2022, HIQA undertook evidence synthesis at the request of the Department of Health, the National Public Health Emergency Team, the COVID Advisory Group and other groups tasked with the national COVID-19 response. Therefore, a substantial increase in the volume of outputs in comparison to a typical year can be noted over this period.

The data source of the second section of this indicator is the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), which has the responsibility for conducting Health Technology Assessments covering a range of fields in Ireland. The data for this indicator stems from HIQA’s administrative sources.

info_icon More information on HIQA can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIQA’s assessments process.

L.1.10. Adopted and implemented technologies after HTA report

search_icon Key terms: implemented technologies, HTAs, Schemes

Indicator L.1.10. illustrates the number of approved and adopted HTAs by scheme for the respective year in Ireland, for the reference years 2019-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Corporate Pharmaceutical Unit (CPU) within the HSE, which is the administrator of in relation to medicine pricing and reimbursement applications and the operation of the national pricing framework agreements. The data for this indicator stems from the CPU administrative sources.

info_icon More information on the HSE CPU can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the current agreement on pricing and supply of medical goods.

Governing statues on medical goods

M. Health Workforce

The Health Workforce domain incorporates indicators the level of graduates and health care professionals working in the national health system. This domain therefore only includes one subsection:

  • Workforce capacity planning.

M.1. Workforce capacity planning

M.1.1. Employment in health and social work as a share of total employment

search_icon Key terms: employment, health work, social work

Indicator M.1.1. illustrates the ratio of all persons aged 15+ who are employed under the ILO definition within the “Human health and social work activities” (NACE Rev. 2 code Q) in Ireland, by quarter for the latest available eight quarters as reference periods (i.e.2022Q2-2024Q1).

The data source of this indicator is the Labour Force Survey (LFS) conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the LFS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the LFS methodology.

M.1.2. Total full-time equivalent long-term care employment

search_icon Key terms: long-term care, employment

Indicator M.1.2. illustrates the ratio of all those employed as long-term carers (on a full-time equivalent basis, FTE) per 100 persons aged 65 and over in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_prs2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

M.1.3. Total full-time equivalent hospital employment

search_icon Key terms: hospital, employment

Indicator M.1.3. illustrates the number of hospital employees (full-time equivalent, FTE) by type of hospital group and staff group employed at in Ireland, for reference period Sep-23.

Number of hospital employees by hospital group and staff group: reference period Sep-23
Month-Year Group Type Unit Value
Sep-23 Hospital group Total Count (FTE) 162042
Sep-23 Hospital group Acute services Count (FTE) 86091
Sep-23 Hospital group Community services Count (FTE) 68872
Sep-23 Hospital group H&WB , corporate and national services Count (FTE) 7079
Sep-23 Staff group Total Count (FTE) 162042
Sep-23 Staff group Medical and dental Count (FTE) 14455
Sep-23 Staff group Nursing and midwifery Count (FTE) 50941
Sep-23 Staff group Health and social care Count (FTE) 23095
Sep-23 Staff group Management and adminsitration Count (FTE) 27279
Sep-23 Staff group General support Count (FTE) 11729
Sep-23 Staff group Patient and client care Count (FTE) 34543

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here and here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

M.1.4. Total hospital employment per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: hospital, employment

Indicator M.1.4. illustrates the number of hospital workers (full-time equivalent, FTE) per 1,000 persons by role of job in Ireland, for reference year 2019 - 2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_prshp2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

M.1.5. Practicing doctors per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: practicing, doctors

Indicator M.1.5. illustrates the ratio of practicing doctors per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2011-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_prs2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

M.1.6. Practicing nurses per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: practicing, nurses, international comparison

Indicator M.1.6. illustrates the ratio of practicing nurses per 1,000 persons in Ireland in comparison to other countries, for reference year 2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_prs2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

M.1.7. Practicing pharmacists per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: practicing, pharmacists, international comparison

Indicator M.1.7. illustrates the ratio of practicing pharmacists per 1,000 persons in Ireland in comparison to other countries, for reference year 2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_prs2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

M.1.8. Practicing dentists per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: practicing, licensed to practice, dentists

Indicator M.1.8. illustrates the number of practicing and licensed-to-practice dentists per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_prs2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

M.1.9. Practicing therapists (e.g. physiotherapists, dieticians, etc.) per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: practicing, therapists

Indicator M.1.9. illustrates the ratio of practicing therapists per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for the reference years 2021-2023.

The data source of this indicator is CORU, which is Ireland’s multi-profession health regulator. The data for this indicator stems from the source’s administrative data.

info_icon More information on CORU can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about CORU’s methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

M.1.10. Personal care workers per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: personal care, care workers, practicing

Indicator M.1.10. illustrates the ratio of practicing care workers per 1,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_prs2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

M.1.11. GP to Consultant ratio per 1,000 population

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, consultants, ratio

Indicator M.1.11. illustrates the ratio of General Practitioners (GPs) to Consultants per 100 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2010-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_physcat”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

M.1.12. Practicing physicians aged 55 and over

search_icon Key terms: practicing physicians

Indicator M.1.12. illustrates the number of practicing physicians aged 55 and over in Ireland, for reference years 2017-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_phys”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

M.1.13. Practicing physicians by age and sex

search_icon Key terms: practicing physicians

Indicator M.1.13. illustrates the number of practicing physicians in Ireland by sex and age-group, for reference year 2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_phys”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

M.1.14. Practicing nurses aged 55 and over

search_icon Key terms: practicing nurses, age-group, age 55 and over

Indicator M.1.14. illustrates the number of practicing nurses aged 55 and over in Ireland, for reference years 2021-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI), which is the regulator of all nurses and midwives in Ireland. The data for this indicator stems from the NMBI’s administrative data sources.

info_icon More information on the NMBI can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the NMBI’s registration processes.

M.1.15. Medical graduates per 100,000 population

search_icon Key terms: graduates, medical

Indicator M.1.15. illustrates the ratio of graduates in the ‘Medicine’ field of study (by ISCED classification) at both under-graduate and post-graduate levels per 100,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2014-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Higher Education Authority (HEA) Ireland, which is the national authority for any further and higher education sector in Ireland. The data for this indicator was collected directly from the HEA communications office.

info_icon More information on the HEA can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HEA’s methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

M.1.16. Nursing and midwifery graduates per 100,000 population

search_icon Key terms: graduates, nursing, midwifery

Indicator M.1.16. illustrates the ratio of graduates in the ‘Nursing and Midwifery’ field of study (by ISCED classification) at both under-graduate and post-graduate levels per 100,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2014-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Higher Education Authority (HEA) Ireland, which is the national authority for any further and higher education sector in Ireland. The data for this indicator was collected directly from the HEA communications office.

info_icon More information on the HEA can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HEA’s methodology.

M.1.17. Pharmacist graduates per 100,000 population

search_icon Key terms: graduates, pharmacy

Indicator M.1.17. illustrates the ratio of graduates in the ‘Pharmaceutical’ field of study (by ISCED classification) at both under-graduate and post-graduate levels per 100,000 persons in Ireland, for reference years 2014-2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Higher Education Authority (HEA) Ireland, which is the national authority for any further and higher education sector in Ireland. The data for this indicator was collected directly from the HEA communications office.

info_icon More information on the HEA can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HEA’s methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

M.1.18. Domestically-trained doctors

search_icon Key terms: doctors, training, domestic

Indicator M.1.18. illustrates the number of doctors in Ireland who have been domestically trained, for reference years 2011-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_wkmg2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

M.1.19. Foreign-trained doctors

search_icon Key terms: doctors, training, foreign

Indicator M.1.19. illustrates the number of doctors in Ireland who have been trained abroad, for reference years 2011-2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_wkmg2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Policies, studies and services for workforce training and planning

M.1.20. Foreign-trained doctors, of which native-born

search_icon Key terms: doctors, training, foreign, native

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

M.1.21. Domestically-trained nurses

search_icon Key terms: nurses, training, domestic

Indicator M.1.21. illustrates the number of nurses in Ireland who have been domestically trained, for reference years 2021 - 2022.

Domestically-trained nurses: reference years 2021 - 2022
Category Year Number
Domestically-trained nurses 2021 34231
Domestically-trained nurses 2022 34533

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_wkmg2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

M.1.22. Foreign-trained nurses

search_icon Key terms: nurses, training, foreign

Indicator M.1.22. illustrates the number of nurses in Ireland who have been trained abroad, for reference years 2021 - 2022.

Foreign-trained nurses: reference years 2021 - 2022
Category Year Number
Foreign-trained nurses 2021 29834
Foreign-trained nurses 2022 33270

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_wkmg2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

M.1.23. Foreign-trained nurses, of which native-born

search_icon Key terms: nurses, training, foreign, native

Indicator M.1.23. illustrates the number of nurses in Ireland who have been trained abroad but are native-born, for reference years 2021 - 2022.

Foreign-trained nurses who are native-born: reference years 2021 - 2022
Category Year Number
Native-born nurses trained abroad 2021 7961
Native-born nurses trained abroad 2022 7851

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_rs_wkmg2”.

info_icon More information on Eurostat’s Healthcare Statistics can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about Eurostat’s healthcare statistics methodology.

Cross-Cutting Dimension

The Cross-Cutting dimension focuses on the sustainability of the national healthcare system with respect to resilience in times of need up to efficient provision of cross-sectional services. This dimension incorporates the following focusing domains: Efficiency, Equity and Resilience.

N. Efficiency

The Efficiency domain incorporates indicators that evaluate the efficiency of the national health system in the short, mid and long-term time frames. This domain is further disaggregated into the following subsections:

  • Short-term;

  • Mid-term;

  • Long-term; and

  • Services delivery.

N.1. Short-term

N.1.1. Inpatient/Day-Case waiting times

search_icon Key terms: inpatient, day cases, adult, children, waiting times

Indicator N.1.1. illustrates the percentages of adults and children (respectively) who are waiting less than 9 months for inpatient or day-case services in Ireland, for reference period Oct-22 - Sep-23.

HSE National Service Plan and Waiting List Action Plan waiting time targets:

The general Waiting List Action Plan target for 2023 is to reduce the volume of scheduled care waiting lists by 10%.

The HSE National Service Plan and the Waiting List Action Plan for 2023 outlines a maximum waiting time target of 90% of patients waiting less than 9 months for an inpatient or day case procedure.

The corresponding maximum waiting time targets in the 2021 and 2022 National Service Plans were less than 12 months and 15 months respectively.

The National Service Plan and Waiting List Action Plan performance indicators are interim targets that are intended to move us closer towards the maximum waiting time targets set out in the 2017 Oireachtas Sláintecare Report, which is 12 weeks for an inpatient/day case procedure.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Policies and strategies adopted to address waiting times

N.1.2. Waiting times for GI Scope procedures

search_icon Key terms: waiting times, GI Scope

Indicator N.1.2. illustrates the percentage of persons who are waiting less than 13 weeks for GI Scope procedures in Ireland, for reference period Jul-21 - Sep-23. Similar percentages for those waiting less than 6 months and for less than 12 months for these procedures are also included whenever available.

HSE National Service Plan and Waiting List Action Plan waiting time targets:

The general Waiting List Action Plan target for 2023 is to reduce the volume of scheduled care waiting lists by 10%.

The HSE National Service Plan 2023 outlines a maximum waiting time target of 65% of patients waiting less than 13 weeks following a referral for colonoscopy or oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD) procedures. This 13 week maximum waiting time target was also included in the 2021 and 2022 National Service Plans.

The 2023 Waiting List Action Plan separately outlines a maximum waiting time target of 95% of patients waiting less than 9 months for a GI scope.

The National Service Plan and Waiting List Action Plan performance indicators are interim targets that are intended to move us closer towards the maximum waiting time targets set out in the 2017 Oireachtas Sláintecare Report, which is 12 weeks for inpatient/day case procedures including GI Scopes.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Policies and strategies adopted to address waiting times

N.1.3. Outpatient waiting times

search_icon Key terms: outpatient, appointment, waiting times

Indicator N.1.3. illustrates the percentages of persons who are waiting less than 15 months for a first outpatient appointment in Ireland, for reference period Jul-21 - Sep-23.

HSE National Service Plan and Waiting List Action Plan waiting time targets:

The general Waiting List Action Plan target for 2023 is to reduce the volume of scheduled care waiting lists by 10%.

The HSE National Service Plan and the Waiting List Action Plan for 2023 outline a maximum waiting time target of 90% of patients waiting less than 15 months for a first outpatient appointment. The corresponding maximum waiting time targets in the 2021 and 2022 National Service Plans were less than 18 months and less than 52 weeks respectively.

The National Service Plan and Waiting List Action Plan performance indicators are interim targets that are intended to move us closer towards the maximum waiting time targets set out in the 2017 Oireachtas Sláintecare Report, which is 10 weeks for a first outpatient appointment.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Policies and strategies adopted to address waiting times

N.1.4. Success rates of 6-hours target in EDs

search_icon Key terms: emergency department, ED, target, admissions

Indicator N.1.4. illustrates the percentage of all attendees registering at the Emergency Department (ED) being admitted or discharged within 6 hours of their registration in Ireland, for reference period 2019-Q1 - 2023-Q3.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality and strategies adopted to address waiting times

N.2. Mid-term

N.2.1. GPs participating in out of hours scheme

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, practicing, out-of-hours scheme

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

N.2.2. Out of hours contacts

search_icon Key terms: out-of-hours, contacts, GPs

Indicator N.2.2. illustrates the number of total Out-of-Hours contacts with General Practitioners in Ireland, for reference months Jan-19 - Aug-23.

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

N.3. Long-term

N.3.1. Reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions

search_icon Key terms: greenhouse gas, emissions, reduction

Indicator N.3.1. illustrates the level of kilo tonnes (in carbon dioxide equivalent) of greenhouse gas emissions in Ireland, for reference years 1990 up to 2022.

The data source of this indicator is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which collates environmental data from various sources. The data for this indicator stems from a detailed annual report available online entitled “Ireland’s National Inventory Submissions” (Table 2.1 for the most recent annual report).

info_icon More information on the EPA’s “Ireland’s National Inventory Submissions” report can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the EPA’s “Ireland’s National Inventory Submissions” report methodology.

N.3.2. Decarbonisation rate

search_icon Key terms: decarbonisation, carbon dioxide

Indicator N.3.2. illustrates the percentage change in carbon dioxide emissions (in kilo tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent) from the previous reference year, for reference years 1990 up to 2021.

The data source of this indicator is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which collates environmental data from various sources. The data for this indicator stems from a detailed annual report available online entitled “Ireland’s National Inventory Submissions” (Table 3.10(a) for the most recent annual report).

info_icon More information on the EPA’s “Ireland’s National Inventory Submissions” report can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the EPA’s “Ireland’s National Inventory Submissions” report methodology.

N.4. Services delivery

N.4.1. Primary care networks in place

search_icon Key terms: primary care, health networks, Community Healthcare Networks, CHN

Indicator N.4.1. illustrates the progress of the establishment of primary care networks, referred to as Community Healthcare Networks (CHNs) in Ireland, as at Jul-24.


The Enhanced Community Care (ECC) programme aims to increase community health services and reduce pressure on hospital services.

Community Healthcare Networks (CHNs) deliver primary healthcare services across Ireland, with each network serving a population of around 50,000 people. They aim to; support people to live more independently in the community, coordinate services to meet health needs, support collaborative working to provide person-centred care and ensure access to services at the right time.

Community Healthcare Networks rollout progress: as at Jul-24
Month Indicator Number Target Percentage
Jul-24 Community Healthcare Networks (CHN) 96 96 100.00

The data source of this indicator is the Enhanced Community Care (ECC) programme, which is a plan being rolled out to increase primary care in the community in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the ECC programme can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the the ECC implementation statistics.

Health services provisions and accessibility

O. Equity

The Equity domain incorporates indicators that assess various facets of the national health system among various socioeconomic dimensions. This domain is further disaggregated into the following subsections:

  • Population equity; and

  • Geographic equity.

O.1. Population equity

O.1.1. GP visits by age-group and sex

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, visits

Indicator O.1.1. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland, that have visited their GP for common health problems in the last 12 months of the reference period by sex and age-group, for survey wave and reference year Wave 9, 2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

O.1.2. GP visits by age-group and main economic activity

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, visits, employment status

Indicator O.1.2. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland, that have visited their GP for common health problems in the last 12 months of the reference period by their main economic activity and age-group, for survey wave and reference year Wave 9, 2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

O.1.3. GP visits by country of birth

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, visits

Indicator O.1.3. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland, that have visited their GP for common health problems in the last 12 months of the reference period by their country of birth, for survey wave and reference years Wave 1, 2015 up to Wave 9, 2023.

Notes on inclusion of countries of birth

EU15 countries include: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, but excluding Ireland and the United Kingdom (both listed separately).

Rest of EU includes all other EU countries not already included in the EU15 or listed separately.

Rest of World includes all other non-EU countries or countries listed separately.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

O.1.4. GP visits by citizenship

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, visits, citizenship

Indicator O.1.4. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 16 and over residing in Ireland, that have visited their GP for common health problems in the last 12 months of the reference period by whether they are national citizens or not, for reference years 2008-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_silc_30”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat living conditions statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

O.1.5. General health status by age-group and sex

search_icon Key terms: health status, self-reported

Indicator O.1.5. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland with good/very good or bad/very bad health status by sex and age-group, for survey wave and reference year Wave 9, 2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

O.1.6. General health status by citizenship

search_icon Key terms: health status, self-reported, citizenship

Indicator O.1.6. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 16 and over residing in Ireland with good/very good or bad/very bad health status by their citizenship, for reference year 2008-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_silc_24”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat living conditions statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

O.1.7. General health status by country of birth

search_icon Key terms: health status, self-reported

Indicator O.1.7. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland with good/very good or bad/very bad health status by their country of birth, for survey wave and reference years Wave 1, 2015 up to Wave 9, 2023.

Notes on inclusion of countries of birth

EU15 countries include: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, but excluding Ireland and the United Kingdom (both listed separately).

Rest of EU includes all other EU countries not already included in the EU15 or listed separately.

Rest of World includes all other non-EU countries or countries listed separately.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

O.1.8. GP visit or Medical card by age-group and sex

search_icon Key terms: GP visit card, Medical card, self-reported

Indicator O.1.8. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland that have a GP visit card or Medical card by sex and age-group, for survey wave and reference year Wave 9, 2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality for those effected by illness

O.1.9. GP visit or Medical card by country of birth

search_icon Key terms: GP visit card, Medical card, self-reported

Indicator O.1.9. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland that have a GP visit card or Medical card by their country of birth, for survey wave and reference years Wave 1, 2015 up to Wave 9, 2023.

Notes on inclusion of countries of birth

EU15 countries include: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, but excluding Ireland and the United Kingdom (both listed separately).

Rest of EU includes all other EU countries not already included in the EU15 or listed separately.

Rest of World includes all other non-EU countries or countries listed separately.

The data source of this indicator is the Healthy Ireland Survey (HIS) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH). The data is collected via a survey among a sample of persons aged 15 and over residing in Ireland.

info_icon More information on the HIS can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HIS methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

O.2. Geographic equity

O.2.1. GP visits by degree of urbanisation

search_icon Key terms: general practitioners, visits, urbanisation

Indicator O.2.1. illustrates the proportion of persons aged 16 and over residing in Ireland, that have visited their GP for common health problems in the last 12 months of the reference period, by the degree of urbanisation of their area of residence, for reference years 2003-2023.

The data source of this indicator is the Eurostat online database, which collates all of the statistics collected, compiled, transmitted and published by official national statistics bodies. The Eurostat database table code for this data is “hlth_silc_21”.

info_icon More information on the Eurostat Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the Eurostat living conditions statistics methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

P. Resilience

The Resilience domain incorporates indicators that assess the flexibility of the national health system in adopting to various times of need (i.e. capacity) as well as the motivation and support of the health care workforce. This domain is further disaggregated into the following subsections:

  • Motivated and well-supported workforce;

  • Surge capacity; and

  • Capacity to scale-up/down.

P.1. Motivated and well-supported workforce

P.1.1. Health workers’ job satisfaction

search_icon Key terms: healthcare staff, job satisfaction, staff survey

Indicator P.1.1. illustrates the overall levels of satisfaction with the current job, among public and Sections 38 & 39 healthcare staff in Ireland, for the latest staff survey year available 2022.


The “Satisfied” category includes both “Strongly Satisfied” and “Satisfied” responses.

The “Dissatisfied” category includes both “Strongly Dissatisfied” and “Dissatisfied” responses.

Line manager refers to the person(s) who the respondent directly reports to on a daily basis.

Senior managers/Senior management refers to the senior management where the respondent works at (e.g. hospital, hospital group, community healthcare organisation, national service, etc.).

The Organisation refers to where the respondent works and in the respective hospital group, community healthcare organisation, national service, etc.

The Workplace refers to the place where the respondent carries out their day-to-day work.

The data source of this indicator is the HSE Staff Survey, which is conducted around every two years among HSE staff and Section 38 & 39 healthcare workers. The data for this indicator stems from the HSE Staff Survey publication.

info_icon More information on the HSE Staff Survey can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE Staff Survey’s methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

P.1.2. Health workers’ absenteeism

search_icon Key terms: health workers, absenteeism

Indicator P.1.2. illustrates the rate of absence of hospital employees by type of absence, type of hospital group and type of staff group employed at in Ireland, for the reference month Sep-23.

Percentage of hospital employees’ absences by type of absence, hospital group and staff group: reference month Sep-23
Month-Year Group Type Total absences Certified absences Self-certified absences Non COVID-19 absences COVID-19 absences
Sep-23 Hospital group Total 5.8 4.47 0.59 5.06 0.74
Sep-23 Hospital group Acute services 5.59 4.19 0.67 4.86 0.72
Sep-23 Hospital group Community services 6.35 5.02 0.52 5.54 0.81
Sep-23 Hospital group H&WB , corporate and national services 3.91 3.29 0.24 3.53 0.38
Sep-23 Staff group Total 5.8 4.47 0.59 5.06 0.74
Sep-23 Staff group Medical and dental 1.55 1.09 0.23 1.32 0.23
Sep-23 Staff group Nursing and midwifery 6.64 4.94 0.82 5.76 0.88
Sep-23 Staff group Health and social care 4.75 3.67 0.43 4.1 0.65
Sep-23 Staff group Management and adminsitration 4.8 3.86 0.37 4.22 0.58
Sep-23 Staff group General support 7.38 5.99 0.58 6.57 0.81
Sep-23 Staff group Patient and client care 7.77 6.08 0.72 6.8 0.97

The data source of this indicator is the Health Services Executive (HSE) Management Data Report. The data is based on administrative records of cases reported to and compiled by the HSE on a monthly basis.

info_icon More information on the HSE reports can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here and here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE’s reporting methodology.

Policies adopted to improve health quality

P.1.3. Use of staff support mechanisms (e.g. helplines)

search_icon Key terms: staff support, mechanisms, helplines, staff survey

Indicator P.1.3. illustrates the frequency of use of following support departments among public and Sections 38 & 39 healthcare staff in Ireland, for the latest staff survey year available 2022.


Line manager refers to the person(s) who the respondent directly reports to on a daily basis.

Senior managers/Senior management refers to the senior management where the respondent works at (e.g. hospital, hospital group, community healthcare organisation, national service, etc.).

The Organisation refers to where the respondent works and in the respective hospital group, community healthcare organisation, national service, etc.

The Workplace refers to the place where the respondent carries out their day-to-day work.

The data source of this indicator is the HSE Staff Survey, which is conducted around every two years among HSE staff and Section 38 & 39 healthcare workers. The data for this indicator stems from the HSE Staff Survey publication.

info_icon More information on the HSE Staff Survey can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the HSE Staff Survey’s methodology.

Health services provisions and accessibility

P.2. Surge capacity

P.2.1. [Pending for development]

search_icon Key terms: [under development]

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

P.3. Capacity to scale-up/down

P.3.1. [Pending for development]

search_icon Key terms: [under development]

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

P.3.2. Substitution of a hospital bed to an ICU bed

search_icon Key terms: hospital beds, intensive care, ICU, beds, substitution

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

P.3.3. ICU beds turnover

search_icon Key terms: intensive care, ICU, hospitals, beds, turnover

Data for this indicator is currently not available.

Preliminary Dimension

The Preliminary dimension provides generic indicators that impact both directly and indirectly the national healthcare system. This dimension incorporates the following focusing domains: Population and Voted Expenditure.

Y. Population

The Population domain incorporates indicators the describe Ireland’s population over the years, as well as its projections. This domain therefore only includes one subsection:

  • Population projections.

Y.1. Population projections

Y.1.1. Population projection

search_icon Key terms: population estimates, population projections

Indicator Y.1.1. illustrates the estimated population in Ireland for the reference years 2000-2023, as well as the population projections for the reference years 2024-2035.

The data source of this indicator is the Demography Unit which is compiled and hosted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is based on Ireland’s Census and various administrative data sources.

info_icon More information on population estimates and projections can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here and here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the population estimates and projections methodology.

Y.1.2. Population projection for ages 65 and over

search_icon Key terms: population estimates, population projections, older people

Indicator Y.1.2. illustrates the estimated population aged 65 and over in Ireland for the reference years 2000-2023, as well as the population projections for the same age-group for the reference years 2024-2035.

The data source of this indicator is the Demography Unit which is compiled and hosted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is based on Ireland’s Census and various administrative data sources.

info_icon More information on population estimates and projections can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here and here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the population estimates and projections methodology.

Y.1.3. Population projection for ages 80 and over

search_icon Key terms: population estimates, population projections, older people

Indicator Y.1.3. illustrates the estimated population aged 80 and over in Ireland for the reference years 2000-2023, as well as the population projections for the same age-group for the reference years 2024-2035.

The data source of this indicator is the Demography Unit which is compiled and hosted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The data is based on Ireland’s Census and various administrative data sources.

info_icon More information on population estimates and projections can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here and here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the population estimates and projections methodology.

Z. Voted Expenditure

The Voted Expenditure domain incorporates indicators the describe the voted expenditure attributed towards health in Ireland’s national budget. This domain therefore only includes one subsection:

  • Voted expenditure.

Z.1. Voted expenditure

Z.1.1. Voted expenditure - Level 1

search_icon Key terms: voted expenditure, budget, Level 1

Indicator Z.1.1. illustrates the voted budgetary expenditure in Ireland by Level 1 detailed breakdown, for the reference years 2008-2024.

The data source of this indicator is the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER). The data is based on the online data table “Voted Public Expenditure”.

info_icon More information on the DPER can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the DPER Expenditure methodology.

Z.1.2. Voted expenditure - Level 4

search_icon Key terms: voted expenditure, budget, Level 4

Indicator Z.1.2. illustrates the voted budgetary expenditure in Ireland by Level 4 detailed breakdown under the Level 1 “V38 - Health (net)” line vote, for the reference years 2020-2024.

Voted expenditure by line votes at Level 4 under the Level 1 ‘V38 - Health (net)’ line vote: reference years 2020 - 2024
Year Level 1 Level 4 Voted Amount (EUR’000s)
2020 V38 - Health (net) A.1 - Salaries, Wages And Allowances 36223
2021 V38 - Health (net) A.1 - Salaries, Wages And Allowances 44800
2022 V38 - Health (net) A.1 - Salaries, Wages And Allowances 50200
2023 V38 - Health (net) A.1 - Salaries, Wages And Allowances 53200
2024 V38 - Health (net) A.1 - Salaries, Wages And Allowances 49968
2020 V38 - Health (net) A.2 - Travel And Subsistence 190
2021 V38 - Health (net) A.2 - Travel And Subsistence 275
2022 V38 - Health (net) A.2 - Travel And Subsistence 275
2023 V38 - Health (net) A.2 - Travel And Subsistence 550
2024 V38 - Health (net) A.2 - Travel And Subsistence 500
2024 V38 - Health (net) A.3 - Training And Development 670
2020 V38 - Health (net) A.3 - Training And Development And Incidental Expenses 2649
2021 V38 - Health (net) A.3 - Training And Development And Incidental Expenses 3304
2022 V38 - Health (net) A.3 - Training And Development And Incidental Expenses 3700
2023 V38 - Health (net) A.3 - Training And Development And Incidental Expenses 4050
2024 V38 - Health (net) A.4 - Operational Services, Supplies And Sundry Equipment 1806
2020 V38 - Health (net) A.4 - Postal And Telecommunications Services 158
2021 V38 - Health (net) A.4 - Postal And Telecommunications Services 180
2022 V38 - Health (net) A.4 - Postal And Telecommunications Services 180
2023 V38 - Health (net) A.4 - Postal And Telecommunications Services 180
2024 V38 - Health (net) A.5 - Digital Capital Investment And It Expenses 2487
2020 V38 - Health (net) A.5 - Office Equipment & External It Services 1777
2021 V38 - Health (net) A.5 - Office Equipment & External It Services 2068
2022 V38 - Health (net) A.5 - Office Equipment & External It Services 2768
2023 V38 - Health (net) A.5 - Office Equipment & External It Services 2958
2020 V38 - Health (net) A.6 - Office Premises Expenses 624
2021 V38 - Health (net) A.6 - Office Premises Expenses 972
2022 V38 - Health (net) A.6 - Office Premises Expenses 872
2023 V38 - Health (net) A.6 - Office Premises Expenses 972
2024 V38 - Health (net) A.6 - Premises Expenses 1339
2020 V38 - Health (net) A.7 - Consultancy & Vfm & Policy Reviews 456
2021 V38 - Health (net) A.7 - Consultancy & Vfm & Policy Reviews 2000
2022 V38 - Health (net) A.7 - Consultancy & Vfm & Policy Reviews 2000
2023 V38 - Health (net) A.7 - Consultancy & Vfm & Policy Reviews 2000
2024 V38 - Health (net) A.7 - Policy Reviews, Consultancy Services And Research 1834
2020 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Capital Services 127000
2021 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Capital Services 160000
2022 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Capital Services 203000
2023 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Capital Services 243696
2024 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Capital Services 270188
2020 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Care Programme 4348475
2021 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Care Programme 4570230
2022 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Care Programme 4747100
2023 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Care Programme 5032399
2024 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Care Programme 5135937
2020 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Corporate Administration 517520
2021 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Corporate Administration 590610
2022 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Corporate Administration 616400
2023 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Corporate Administration 685563
2024 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Corporate Administration 738332
2020 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Grants 53905
2021 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Grants 90828
2022 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Grants 70573
2023 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Grants 73335
2024 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Grants 78965
2020 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Health Care Reform 21540
2021 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Health Care Reform 22600
2022 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Health Care Reform 17829
2023 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Health Care Reform 16936
2024 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Health Care Reform 11936
2020 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Hse Health And Social Care Services 14076378
2021 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Hse Health And Social Care Services 14883386
2022 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Hse Health And Social Care Services 14669615
2023 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Hse Health And Social Care Services 15859909
2024 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Hse Health And Social Care Services 14452935
2020 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Other Hse Services 382014
2021 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Other Hse Services 419663
2022 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Other Hse Services 444663
2023 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Other Hse Services 444663
2024 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Other Hse Services 444198
2020 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Other Services 205152
2021 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Other Services 290568
2022 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Other Services 303903
2023 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Other Services 402596
2024 V38 - Health (net) V38 - Other Services 396333

The data source of this indicator is the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER). The data is based on the online data table “Voted Public Expenditure”.

info_icon More information on the DPER can be found here.

download_icon For downloading the data click here.

metadata_icon Click here to learn more about the DPER Expenditure methodology.

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